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When Keith ran out of the room we got worried. We left to go to his room but he wasn't there. We waited for a few minutes then he came back.

"Keith, are you okay?" Hunk asked concerned. Hunk had a real knack for loving people. It's what made him an amazing paladin and an even better friend.

"Yeah, just had to go to the bathroom really bad," Keith answered. He looked down, fiddling with his hands. He was lying. I've known him since he was 12. I know when he's lying. But I chose to leave it.

I watched as he moved to the bed, sitting on it and crossing his legs comfortably. He was hiding something. Why wouldn't he tell me? I guess I understand, he has a right to his own private feelings-

"Because I said no," Keith snapped. Woah. Keith was always sarcastic and dry, but never outright rude. Especially to Pidge who had only asked if he wanted to participate in team bonding exercises. I was in shock. He apologized, claiming to not feel well. That answer I accepted. Keith was normally pale, but his normal glass-like skin was flushed. He had deep bags under his eyes and seemed to crumple in on himself. Like his stomach hurt. I wonder if he caught a bug.

We all left, Lance not following.

Yes. I know that Lance is in love with Keith. I only care a little bit. Actually, I care a lot. Lance can be immature and abrasive. He really gets on Keith's nerves. I don't know how Keith feels about Lance. He's impossible to read. But I know that if he likes Lance back, he could get seriously hurt if Lance were to do something stupid.

Yes, I'm a team leader and I care about everyone's feelings. But Keith is my brother. First and foremost. He will always be my little brother and I care about him more.

We walked into the training room, getting ready to start a team bonding exercise.

"He's hiding something," Allura suddenly said.

"Keith? Keith's always hiding something. I don't even know his favorite color," Pidge said.

"Red," Lance and I said at the same time. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. Okay McClain.

"Yeah but this is different. Something serious," Hunk said. "Shiro, you can't say that you aren't the slightest bit worried."

"I didn't say anything, Hunk. Keith's business is his business. I try not to push him too far, he's not that kind of person. My advice? Leave it," I said.

"No, there shouldn't be any secrets on this team. You guys won't be able to work together. What if the secret becomes more important than Voltron?" Allura asked. She had a point, but I'm on Keith's side. Always.

"True. We should be open," Pidge said. "We have a secret to uncover."

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