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It was the next day. I didn't leave my room yesterday for dinner after I showered. I felt like I was going to throw up if I took another step. So I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day. I got up brought my new clothes for the day into the bathroom with me.

I changed in the stall and left. I said good morning to Pidge and Allura on my way out as they headed in.

When I arrived back at my room and tossed my dirty clothes in my laundry bag. My pajamas from yesterday and my binder- wait. Where's my binder. Shit. I must've dropped it in the bathroom or the hallway. Quickly, I moved to my door and opened it, revealing Pidge and Allura standing on the other side.

"Missing something?" Pidge asked, holding my binder out. I snatched it from her,

"Come in." I shut the door as they sat on my bed. I stuck the binder in the bag and faced the wall. Tears welled in my eyes, this was not how I wanted to come out.

Stop crying Keith. Pull yourself together. You just outed yourself due to your own negligence. This is Pidge and Allura. Your friends. They haven't cussed you out yet.

I turned, seeing Allura's kind smile, immediately comforting me. Pidge on the other hand looked ecstatic.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked the girl.

"Cause I was right. I was coming up with theories in my head all night after yesterday. This was one of them, but not my top theory."

"What was your top theory?" I asked.

"That you were secretly in communication with the galra," Pidge answered immediately.

"Wow," I said in shock. Honestly, she would think that.

"Keith, you don't have to explain yourself. The situation speaks on its own," Allura said. I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. I guess I was just used to hiding it. I never expected anyone to understand what I was going through or even simpathize. I always assumed I would be shunned as soon as people knew that I'm not who I say I am. I didn't want that to happen here. So I hid it, from everyone," I explained, not making eye contact with them.

"Not even Shiro knows?" Pidge asked.

"I never found the courage to tell him," I answered, tears coming back to my eyes. If anyone were to understand, it'd be Shiro.

"Well, what take your mind off of things... us three hung out?" Allura suggested. "I don't think we've spent enough individual time together."

"Yeah. We could have a fun day or in the lab!" Pidge exclaimed. Keith and Allura looked at each other.

"Sure," the princess said hesitantly. "Or... I was thinking a spa day." Pidge looked to Keith who shrugged. She hunched down.

"Fine," she grumbled.

"If we do this, the guys will want to do something as well," Keith said, already agitated.

"You don't have to," Pidge said.

"No, but I might as well."

"Good. Then today, we will have a spa day," Allura said.

"Breakfast is soon Keith," Pidge told the Korean boy as the two girls moved to the door.

"Um, you won''re not going to-"

"No. We're not going to tell anyone. That's for you to do," Allura said. I gave them a small smile as they left the room. I sighed deeply. It felt good to tell someone. I assume the others are going to take it well. But I wonder how a certain Cuban boy is going to feel.

Ugh. Yes. I fell for the sharpshooter. It's not like I meant to. But, I really do like him. I have the smallest inkling he likes me back, which makes me hopeful. But will he still if he knows that I'm not biologically a boy?

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