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Keith did not just catch me staring, did he?

Ugh! Why do crushes have to be so annoying? He definitely knows now. I only wish, I knew what was going on with him.

"We're going to have a boys day then," Hunk declared.

"When?" I asked, mouth full. Pidge grimaced, I stuck my tongue out in response.

"How about in a couple of days?" Shiro suggested. We all nodded.

Soon breakfast was over and Keith was dragged to Alluras room. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't see him until dinner now. Not that I absolutely need to see him to survive. But I like to see him...and his stupid mullet.

I stood up to leave when Shiro put his hand on my shoulder. I knew it was him, he had the military grasp of the other instructors at the Garrison. Not too rough to cause pain, but firm.

"Lance. Can we talk?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" I asked.

"It's more of a private conversation. Let's go to my room." I followed him down the seemingly longer hallway to his bedroom. He let me in a gestured for me to sit on the bed. He leaned on the wall across from me, like a disappointed parent. My palms began to sweat.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I know you like Keith, Lance," Shiro said, looking me in my eyes. I felt my skin lighten in shade. Shit.

"Um, Shiro-"

"I'm not mad. I don't care if you like him. But I care about him. He's my little brother, and he's been through a lot. I do not want anyone to hurt him in any way," he said.

"Shiro I couldn't even imagine hurting Keith," I said, desperate for his mercy.

"You can't, but I can. He's going through something right now, and he doesn't need your crush on top of it. Now, should he so choose to pursue a relationship with you...fine. But if he doesn't, then you leave him alone. Understand me?" Shiro asked. I nodded. He opened the door. I took that as my cue to leave. I walked down the hallway, stuffing my hands in my pockets. I walked past Alluras room, which had the door wide open.

Allura and Pidge were on the floor in front of Keith. Keith had his hair pulled back by a headband and Pidge was putting a face mask on his face while Allura held up his left hand, painting his nails black. I snorted to myself. Of course he would choose black.

He looked so peaceful as he sat there letting the girls do their thing. He opened his eyes and began to turn his head towards the door. I jumped against the wall, hiding. He definitely saw me. I snuck away, hoping he wouldn't call for me.

He didn't.

I'm such a creep.

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