Chapter 1: Join Dragon Squad ~Part 1~

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Hey guys, sooooooo sorry for the long wait for chapter 1. Freaking Wattpad won't save my rewriting and have to check 10-50 times and it gotten annoying. I change the storyline a bit Zac is now the older brother not the dad because that will be weird and less sense. Their might be new changes in the stories in the future, I don't know? I hope you like this chapter.
Let read shall we...~

"Astoria's Castle is so beautiful.~" Val's eyes sparkles and seeing the beautiful amazing castle of Astoria and their village.
"Hey!..." The oger turns around and see someone on his wagen.
"Why are you on my wagen!!!" He was pissed and because he's an oger.
Val uncover the covers on her and look at the mad oger.
"Remember when I politely ask you to give me a ride to Knight School." She smile like she asked nicely to this oger even tho she didn't asked him earlier.
"No...?" The oger was confuse and still sound mad.
"Neither do I...~" Val was playing innocent.
The oger smash half of his wagen for warning to make Val to get out of his wagen.
"See ya!" Val gave a oh gosh face and starts getting out of the wagen and run. She climb up the wall and on the stairs, do a flip as the oger still chasing her up, and she keeps running. Until she got on top of the edge with a rope.
"I'm gotta miss us!" Val look at the oger and zip line out of here.
"Wooah!!!" She zip line through the forest having fun and into Knight School.
"Wow!" Valt fall on the ground like a bad landing as everyone watch. She gets up and trying to get her coolness back.
"Nailed it!~"
"People of Astoria, I am- Coming through, coming through!" An old man push some people aside trying to show himself to the new members for Knight School.
"I am Sir Raul, the old. There is an opening at are Legendary Knight School." Raul explains as Val was smiling and excited in the background.
"Do you have what it takes to defend our kingdom from Joshua and his army!"
"You know it!~" Val cheered and got too excited.
"Wasn't really asking, this is kinda part of my speech." Raul said not actually thought he'll get a reply as Val was like "oh" and embarrassed.
"Dragon Squad are looking to add a new member. Will, it be you?..." Raul point at everyone and being a bit dramatic.
"Yeah!~ A other fake question, got it... Hehehe..." Val embarrassed herself again.
"You'll get a chance to train a long side with Red Eye(Shu) the mysterious. He master every high levels skills from swords and attacks of are school." Raul represents the first team member of the squad.
Red Eye/Shu use skillful high level attacks on the dumbies in out shot and blows. Everyone clap their hands of amazement and Val was sooo amazed that she wants to do it.
"Ice(Lui) the powerful, he may look scary and fearful but he has powerful strength and skills." Raul explains about Lui's skills and the second member of Dragon Squad.
"Grraaahhh!!!" Lui punch a solid hard rock wall and broke it into pieces as he did backflip and broke a log with his foot. Everyone move back and got really sacred of Lui but Val didn't, she was like wow so cool.
"And finally Wind(Free), he looks lazy and tired but he's a strong fighter. But don't wake him up from his nap... He'll attack without holding back." Raul warned the newbies to not wake up Free from his nap. He lost some of his members that day...
Free wasn't doing anything and just do a lazy pose and everyone sweat drop and Shu and Lui were like disappointed and embarrassed that he was in their squad/team.
"Sign up should being momentarily. Can I get a cheer for Astoria!!!" Raul said and want to hear a cheer.
"FOR ASTORIA!!!" Everyone cheered expect for Val.
"What, uh- so it's okay for them to answer!?" Val was like bro seriously.

"I told you these wannabe beg for a new member." Wakiya walks with his teammates and turn around facing Dragon Squad.
"Oh, hi Red Eye we were just talking about how lame you guys are.~ He was playing nice and innocent for his insult for Dragon Squad.
"GRRRRR!!!!!" Lui growls like a wild beast as Wakiya back away for personal space and safety.
"One insult and he'll attack." Shu wasn't joking.
"Hello, Sir." Val walk up to Raul who was in charge of sign up.
"The name Valt and I dream of becoming a knight when I was a little kid." Val gave her fake boy name and was excited to join Knight School.
"Oh, my first toy was a wooden sword... My second was a first aid kit..."
"Well... Sound like you have wonderful parents." Raul was like what kinda parents raise you child.
"But you do realize that Knight School only for those descendant to Nobel Dragon Blood?..." He raise his eyebrow at Val. Nobel Dragon Blood is who has dragon's spirits coursing through their blood feeling the flame of a dragon's roar. But only who are born from Astoria has that Noble Dragon Blood no one else in the kingdom.
"Of course, you think I didn't come all the way here without the details.~" Val was prepared for this she knows the information and studies about Knight School only allow Nobel Dragon Blood because she's from the fairy/pixie's kingdom but technically it from somewhere on Astoria's magical forest so she is a Nobel Dragon Blood by a 50/50 percent and she know how much the cost fee payment too. She heard it was one thousand gold pieces and save up one thousand gold pieces for this day. She has to hide her allowance from her mom, sibling, and everyone in the pixie/fairy's kingdom.
"Hahaha... Yeah, that will be pretty dumb." Raul chuckles and being silly.
"All I need now is your class fed. Which is two thousand gold pieces."
"Shut your old mouth!!" Val was like excuse me and her eyes widened. She doesn't have that much gold pieces she half short to join Knight School.
Rual was like that felt rude from that shout.
"I mean... Let me go collect my allowance..." Val smile like she was in trouble and guilty. Raul nod and walks away.
"I'll be back in 60 years..." Val was like just great and walk out and trying to find more 1 thousand gold pieces to make two thousand gold pieces. She walk up through the kingdom village thinking of how to get two thousand gold pieces. An old lady drop her broom trying to bend down but she was to old.
"Uh!" Val walk up to her and help her give her broom back.
"Here you go." She gave a kind smile as the old lady smile and nod and go to her cleaning friends.
"Am never gotta find that much money..." Val thinks some ways to get one thousand gold pieces to get two thousand. She was thinking maybe sneak back to the fairy/pixie's kingdom and get more gold pieces, sell her own belongings that is precious to her, or... Nope that all she got.
Royal music was playing as a the royal announcer, announced the King and the three Princes of Astoria.
"Now presenting the King and the three Princes of Astoria!~"
As King Zac, Prince Lui, Shu, and Free walk down the stairs being royalty and showing off their jewelry and style to their people and that gives Val a idea.
"Cha Ching!~" Val found her ticket to knight school.

Beyblade Burst Evolution: Knight Squad (Shu x FemValt x Lui x Free)Where stories live. Discover now