Chapter 4: The Hopeless Princess Who Wants To Be A Knight

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"Squad, I have an announcement to make." Raul speaks getting everyone attention in Knight School.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and put their weapons down.
"You all know that the weather is starting to get chilly. And you know what that means.."
"Winter break?" Valt said in the crowd.
"That too, but I was talking about the most dangerous contradictory man-eaters ever to exist in these lands." Raul warns about this one dangerous creature that only come in the cold days of Astoria.
"The Great Rabbit!" He points at the magical screen showing a small white rabbit with red eyes and a tiny horn on their forehead.
"I want does fur balls to die in hell!" Ice quietly growl as he glare at the screen coldly. He loves to kill the toughest strongest creature in the kingdom but Lui... Is afraid of rabbits.
"Oh no, we have to kill Red Eye. I don't want to kill him." Valt said sadly and getting the daggers ready. He doesn't know the difference between a regular rabbit and a great rabbits because he never encountered a great rabbit.
"Wha-!? Valt no! I am not a rabbit!" Red Eye shouts as he take away Valt's daggers.
"Yes, kill him!!~ Kill him!!~" Ice encouraged Valt to kill Red Eye.
"You're not helping!! 💢" Red Eye growl at Ice angrily.
"Stop resisting, you'll only going to make things worst." Valt got some rope and going to tie up Red Eye.
"Valt stop no! Stop!!" Red Eye push Valt away from him.
"Valt, we're not killing Red Eye and eating him." Wind caught Valt in his arms and stopping him from killing his own brother.
"Booo!..." Ice was disappointed that Red Eye didn't get killed.
"Who said we're going to eat him?" Valt doesn't eat rabbits, he doesn't like killing animals. He only kill animals that don't look healthy or attacking the weak.
"Wait... You people eat rabbits." Valt made a shocking look and was ready to cry. Wind knows he f**ked up and trying to change the subject.
"No, no.... We..." He doesn't know what to say, this is the first time he was stuck in a bad situation.
"We trained them to be strong and protect us from..." Red Eye joined in to help but pause because he was also stuck.

"Witches, that curse children in the night." Wind said helping Red Eye out.
"Oh... Ok. But why a rabbit?" Val ask curiously.
"Because their..." Red Eye paused and trying to think of something.
"Look at the bird!" Ice interrupts Red Eye's explanation and point at the fence. Valt runs up to the stone fence that's protecting students from falling off the cliff. He was trying to find that bird Lui mention.
"You're welcome..." Ice 'tsk' and was very displeased. He is raising himself.
"We have to give him the talk at some point." Wind said mentioning about the birds and bees.
"I'll do it.~" Ice smile devilishly and ready to walk up to Valt.
"No..." Red Eye stopped Ice from doing that.
"He's smart he can figure life out by himself..." Red Eye has hope for Valt but really he has a lot of doubt for him.
"He's looking for a bird!" Ice was like 'are you kidding me' and making a point here.
"Nobody can be that innocent! It's impossible!..." He growls angrily.
"But we have one." Wind said pointing at Valt.
"I found it, and it's a Long-Tailed Widowbird!~ ✨" Valt points and showing his happy kitty face.
"...." Ice hates the sparkles as his eye twitch a little.
"I'm going to break him! 💢" He wants to break Valt soo much.
"Ice no!" Red Eye holding his brother back.
"Ice yes!" Ice fighting back and wants Valt to suffer in pain.
"Hm?" Valt tilts his head and confused at what's happening.
"Time to go." Wind stand next to Valt.
"But class isn't ove- Ok?" Valt was being carry on Wind's shoulder as Red Eye and Ice were fighting each other to the death and drawing everyone's attention.

The Next Day...

The Dragon Squad Rec Room was decorated in holiday theme stuff.
Shu and Lui made upsetting faces that their Rec Room look like a winter wonderland mess.
"Who could have done this!!? 💢" Lui shouts angrily. This must be a prank from the other Squads members, bet it's was Wakiya.
"I made this for Lui's heeeeaaad.~" Valt put a glittery snowflakes crown on Lui's flaming hair.
"There's your answer." Shu sigh and pout a little. Valt put a flower crown of poinsettia on Shu's head and happily giggles.
"Wait, where Free?" Shu said noticing Free's absent.
"I'm right here." Free was blending in the winter wonderland decorations because he was wearing deer ears and Christmas lights on his head.
He was the the personal Christmas deer.
"Ok guys, this is are the last day of Knight School before winter break starts!~ After class is over let's celebrate are last day together!~" Valt throws glitter out of his pocket and sprinkle it around the room.
"You carry glitter in your pockets?..." Free said with a small soft smile.
"I used to carry butterflies but..." Valt croak sadly and hide his sad face.
"Valt, a nice small party sounds nice and all but..." Shu trying to decline Valt's offer without hurting his feelings.
"It sound stupid and pointless also a waste of time." Lui didn't hold back of what he said.
"Lui!!!" Shu shouts at his selfish heartless brother.
"It's true, you were thinking about it!"
"What Lui meant to say, we can't, sorry." Free said softening the blow from Lui's hurtful words.
"Why not..." Valt force himself to be happy.
"As the three prince of Astoria we have to attend a winter banquet with all the other royals and socialize throughout the night." Shu explain the tradition that he and his brother have to do every winter year.
"I hate socializing!" Lui hate being around people even his own family.
"Well, too bad! We do this every year!" Shu said angrily being the mom in the group.
"They do realize that they're describing a royal college party, right?" Valt thought as he made a pouty face.
"Heh... That's okay, maybe next time." He gave a fake smile and pretend he's okay with this.
"If there is a next time." Valt thought sadly and feeling like an idiot.

Beyblade Burst Evolution: Knight Squad (Shu x FemValt x Lui x Free)Where stories live. Discover now