High school

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It was the another day of sophomore year and I was not feeling it.Even though I am so done school already I get up and get changed

Time skip to school

Mike POV
Today I got the whole party invited to a popular kids party for sophomores so they better appreciate it . I text them all about it and they agree to go but i have to go Pick up max at her house ugh 😑 but it's whatever I will deal with it.

Time skip to Max's house still mikes POV

I finally arrive at Max's house and she comes out looking stunning but i can't tell her that. We all have matured since middle school but now as much as I hate saying it max was pretty spicy 🌶 but instead of saying that to her I say " hey you look good" she blushes a little and playfully punches me and I couldn't help but blush a little too.
Time skip to party A/N part
As they party were all at the party they all started drinking and that did nit go so well.

Mikes POV
It was around 12:00 o'clock and I go upstairs to find max crying on the stairs I go over to talk to her(by the way Lucas and max were still together. "hey"I say walking over to her "hey"she says wiping her tears I ask "what's wrong"( even though I usually hate max at this moment I didn't in fact I think i felt something) "Lucas was cheating on me"she says sniffling even though she was a little drunk it still affected her badly and at that moment I felt like punching Lucas "with who" I ask "el,they were making out it was so nasty 🤢 " she replies then I feel glad I broke up with el a while ago but we we're still friends but not no more 😠
Time skip to an hour later me and max were talking I ask her if she can come closer she does and at that moment I kiss her and she kisses back it felt great the moment her alcohol and strawberry tasting lips were on mine I knew she was my one and only so I take off my shirt and then take off hers all I could say was "damm" she smiles then says "gross wheeler" I then pick her up and pin her to the bed and start giving her little hickeys she let out a kinda little moan loud enough for Lucas to hear in the other rooms so then I laugh and we get to the stuff when I feel my pp go hard I have never felt this with other girls what was different with her.idk.
Time skip to the morning max POV
I wake up to wheeler next to me in bed and my clothes off and on the floor and so are his so I decide to wake him up since I was a little drunk last night. " Hey mike wake up" I say while putting back on my clothes not regretting anything yet. " hey" he replies " so what happened last night" I ask him he smiles a little and says " you really don't remember" after he tells me everything and I can't help but laugh 😂 " wait for real"I ask " yeah for real" he replies. I get up from the bed and walk out waiting for my ride who is wheeler. He eventually comes out and drives me home we say our goodbyes and I leave.

Mad wheeler when you were mineWhere stories live. Discover now