Chapter 1: "I only want you."

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Mikey's POV

"Babe please calm down." I pleaded, standing in the doorway of her house, following her after she left my yard.

"Don't babe me. How could you? How could you date me when you loved her." She exclaimed, her voice quivering.

"No baby please, you have to listen to m-" I started.

"Why should I Michael? Everything you've said to me could be a lie. " She retorted.

"I love you Ciana! Not her, I wasn't who I am now! Please don't walk away from me. I can't handle it if you do again. I love you Ciana. What more am i supposed to say to prove that I only want you. " My voice cracking at the end, tears slipping from my eyes silently.

She stood there quietly, her back turned to me, her head facing forward.

"Say something Ci, anything." I pleaded again, taking a step closer to her.

"I have to talk to her." She said finally.

"Ci... I don't know if that's a good idea.." I questioned.

"I have to."

"Ciana... I don't think it's sm-" I start.

"Get out. Now." She stated sternly.

"Baby, c'mon no, don't do this!" I cried out.

And in one quick motion, her hands were on my chest and i was on the porch, the door shut behind me.

MIKEY YOU IDIOT! I screamed in my head, my back sliding down her door till I was on the floor.

How could I have been so stupid? I sat on her porch for what seemed like forever until I got up and walked off, kicking the neighbors garbage can out of pure self loathing.

Ciana's POV

I slammed the door shut behind him, his bewildered face burning in my mind.

CIANA YOU IDIOT. I yelled to myself, hitting the door with my back and sitting on the floor.

how could they keep this from me?

How could my own sister keep this from me?

I got the motivition from within me and climbed the steps, storming into Maggie's room, slamming the door behind me and turning to her as she sat up on her bed.

"Are you okay sis?" She said, cautiously looking at my guarded stance.

"What the fuck Maggie?"

'Wait what'd I do?" She said, looking rather scared.

"YOU LOVED HIM!! YOU LOVED HIM AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!" I screamed. She looked at me, knowing what I was saying, immediately.

"I u-u-used to, i did..." She stammered.

"And you didn't think it was important to tell me??" I yelled.

"I was going to Ci, I was I swear. Even before you met him. I was so ashamed that I did that to them and that I even let Chris fall for me-"

"AND Chris!!! YOU KNOW I LIKED HIM EVEN BEFORE MIKEY! When Mikey hit him, and you- you helped and he remembered you!" I realized as the words slipped out.

"I swear, please Ciana listen. I was going to tell you, to warn you about how they fight. But you fell in love with Mikey so quickly and so genuiely. I couldn't let you lose him. I couldn't let you lose him the way I did." She said, her voice lowering so quietly towards the end that she hoped I couldn't hear her.

"You aren't fucking helping yourself. I know you lost him. But you should've told me. I saw how happy you were with him, I liked it better when I didn't know. I didn't know it was him putting the smile on your face and Chris. Now I feel like- like I'm taking your sloppy seconds and that's not okay with me. You should have told me Maggie. He could still love you and you could still love him." I stated.

She was completely quiet. Her eyes searching mine for any signs of sympathy. I wouldn't let this be okay.

"Don't be upset. We're family Ci, you can't let this come between-"

I walked straight to the edge and flung my hand across her face.

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