Chapter 3: "She isn't even grateful."

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Everything collapsed. My chest hurt. And I had control over my legs and body just enough to run away.


Maggie's POV

(A/N Sorry I haven't been updating guys! School makes me so busy..this chap is kind of long lol)

Everything went by so fast. Mikey shutting me out, while i tried to apologize. I knew I should have apologized when I didn't choose him..

because I loved him. And I know it's wrong but i think the feelings have yet to disappear. It's Mikey for crying out loud, he's a gentleman, and he's funny and sweet. And I knew he was dating my sister and i should have told her. But i didn't want to ruin it in case I did have feelings for him.

I should have told him when I had him, but I don't and it's wrong for me to like him this much, because he's my sisters.

Even though I had him first.

UGH. my thoughts were so jumbled. I wanted to be with him but I wanted him to be with her.

And now she was down there making the same mistake I did. I heard her slam the door and huff, mumbling to herself. I got up from my bed, walking through our joined bathroom and into her room.

I awkwardly sat on her bed, my fingers fiddiling as i stared at the ground. I heard her feet travel up the stairs and the door swung open.

"Ci, please just listen to me." I said.

She rolled her eyes, turning around and walking right back down the stairs. I got up and went after her. She was walking to the living room, past the door when i grabbed her arm.

"WHY would you let him go?" I asked, taken back by the tone in my voice. She spun around, "why do YOU care? Oh that's right, because you let him go." she said sassily, her hands landing on her hips.

I swallowed the anger, and looked her dead in the eyes.

"That is exactly why i'm asking. Mikey is a GREAT guy. I missed my chance, I don't want you to lose yours. You get the chance to have his love, because when Mikey is dedicated to something he will give his 100% into it. And he fucking loves you, and you let him walk right out the door!" I yelled, swinging the door open for emphasis.

"He was yours maggie! If you want him THEN TAKE HIM!" Ciana yelled back, and i saw the regret flash in her eyes as the words left her mouth.

We stared at eachother for a few moments, while i chose my next words carefully, "He doesn't want me anymore.." 

"Right right, because you lost him! So stop telling me what I should do! You made the same choice!"  

"EXACTLY CIANNA! He is too good to lose! SO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND REALIZE-" Then something caught my attention in the corner of the eye. The top of a rose, i stepped closer to the door.

"Maggie what the fuck?" She questioned, pissed off. 

I stopped in my tracks as the image of the gifts came into view. 

All her favorite shit, just sitting there...then it hit me.

Mikey came to give her all this, to- to apologize to her. Something he would never do for me. And that broke my heart a little. 

He did all this for her and she isn't even grateful. I turned on my heel and just yelled. 

"YOU ARE RIDICULOUS!! HE IS HERE! LEAVING YOU SHIT THAT SHOWS HE REMEMBERS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU," I screamed, motioning to the presents, "AND YOU SIT HERE AND IGNORE HIM AND TELL HIM LIES ABOUT HOW YOU DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIM! HE LOVES YOU AND YOU DON'T REALIZE HOW FUCKING LUCKY YOU ARE TO HAVE THAT! I never ever had that and you need to fucking realize and stop being an ungrateful bitch. He is the one person that I have ever cared about. I let Chris get to me and I was wrong, so wrong. Even though Chris loved me. You need to open your damn eyes Ciana, before you let the best guy out there walk away." 

She was quiet, her eyes on the presents that lay on the porch. 

Ciana's POV 

Please listen Ci, that's my past. She's my past. Please don't do this. I need you, I need you so much Ciana, you do not realize that. But you need to listen to me, please Ciana listen to what I have- 

And that's when the voicemail's time went out. It sounded like the rest of them. 

How could I look at him and not see how he looked at her? How he could've kissed her? How she looked into the hazel eyes? How I do...or how I did. 

She had him first and that will always be like that. Everything has changed. She had his dedication and his passion. She had that. How do you compete with someone's past...

"Ciana! Dinner time!" My mom yelled. 

I looked at the clock. It was 6:15, approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes since mikey showed up. I glanced at the flowers that lay on my desk, next to the un touched drink and un cuddled bear. The bag with my favorite movies, books and food that he somehow remembered, sat next to my desk. 

I gathered my energy and got up and went downstairs. 

I slumped into the kitchen, then into the dining room and sat down in the chair. My mom smiled at me and Maggie walked through the door, avoiding eye contact. 

"Are you hungry maggie?" My mom asked.

"No but I want water, I'm thirsty."

"We know." I mumbled. 

"Ciana!" My mom exclaimed. I mumbled a sorry. We ate silently.

"How's school?" My mom said, breaking the silence. 

"Good, i hate history though, I don't know why the past matters." Maggie replied. I muttered a quick 'obviously'. 

Maggie slammed her fork down and shot out of the seat. "Shut up Ciana! I was you! I was in the same exact position you are now. I had them, I had them both Ciana. I let Chris' words and his flirting get to my head. I ignored the fact that I had to choose and when I didn't choose Mikey I regretted it, and I still regret it. The difference between you and I is that he loves you! And I am ignoring everything I feel for him, FOR YOU! So stop being an insensitive bitch and fucking realize that he loves you! With everything in him. And here you fucking are making the same fucking mistake I did! You love him like I do!" She yelled. 

I blinked twice. 

like i do. 

She loved him.

This wasn't about me loving Mikey and Mikey loving me anymore or the possible feelings he has for her; this is about the three of us now. 

It was me and her, fighting for Mikey now. 

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