Chapter 2: "that's what friends do"

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"Don't be upset. We're family Ci, you can't let this come between-"

I walked straight to the edge and flung my hand across her face.


Mikey's POV

(A/N sorry i havent been updating, school (: )

"Dude how could you say that to her?! About her own sister? I can't believe you told her!" Jason said, his voice shaking with anger.

Who was he to yell to me? I stood up from my bed, standing a foot away from him, slightly towering over him.

"You knew too Jason! She'll be just as upset!" I yelled back at him.

"Only because you didn't want me to tell her! I get you wanted to be happy but you should have told her! Look at what will happen fucking now!" He yelled back, taking a step closer, his fists clenching at his sides.

"You should have convinced me harder. You and Madison are part of this too. You messed up too so don't sit here and fucking tell me I'm a fuck up because I already know! I lost the girl I love! So don't be such a dick!" I said, pushing his shoulders back.

He stumbled back a view steps, surprised by my phyical contact.

He looked at me, his eyes filled with disbelief, then disappointment and then anger.

"This is your fault Mikey. I covered for you because that's what friends do. They keep secrets, they see how much people mean to eachother and they keep their damn fucking secrets. I told you that it wasn't a good idea getting to know her. Even if her and Maggie are different, I warned you. Me and Madison knew you would fall for her, she's challenging and smart and funny. She's perfect for you bro. But you had to know her, you had to know if Maggie's sister was like her. This is on you. So DO NOT try to blame this on me or Madison." He said, his voicing raising slightly to the end, emphasizing parts.

"Ya know what Jason? I DID TRY. I was trying to NOT like her. Because I liked Maggie a fucking lot, and she was my world for MONTHS! And seeing her sister was like a constant stab. All I wanted to do was hurt her because i felt something. I didn't know what it was until I saw her with someone else, and then i knew it wasn't about Maggie anymore. She wasn't 'Maggie's sister' or 'Lexi's friend' anymore. She was Ciana. And then she was myCiana. And I fell in love with her." I said, letting it all out.

There was a silence as he searched my eyes. I ran my hand through my hair, grabbing at the roots.

"You still have feelings for Maggie don't you?" He questioned quietly.

"No not at all."

"You're trying so hard to convince yourself you don't that you're turning on your friends. You told Ciana because you felt guilty didn't you?" He asked.

"No! i wanted- i wanted- I wanted an honest relationship!" I stuttered.

"Are you sure?"

I didn't respond.

Why was I not responding?

"Talk to her, both of them."

"...I will."


Knock knock

"Come in!" her voice rang through the door.

I slowly opened the door, stepping through.

"Hey Nic, i need your advice."

"Gasp Mikey Fusco, needs my advice?" She said jokingly, "what's up little bro?"

And I let everything out, how when I met Ciana and knew there was something strong, i pushed her away cause all i saw was my past in her twins'. How I fell for a girl I didn't mean to. How I acted like I didn't care. And now, how i told her, and she doesn't want to be with me.

"She feels like a second choice, like you had the best, aka her sister, and now you want the next. She thinks you're only with her because she's Maggie's sister. She doesn't want to love you because she knows Maggie did. You have to show her your wrong. I see it in your eyes Mike, you love this girl. Way more than before."

"What do I do?"

She thought about it before responding, "Something big, she needs to know you care."

I know what to do.


I stepped up her last step carefully, trying not to fall on my face.

I set the white bear down on the ground beside the door, where she couldn't see it, followed by a bag with her favorite movies, books and food that I had mentally noted when she talked. I put down her favorite dunkin drink, a mocha frappe, and set the two dozen roses down last.

I made sure she couldn't see from the door way, it had to be a big surprise. She had to know I cared about her, till the very last detail.

I rubbed my hands together nervously, remembering the memories of this porch. And then I rang the doorbell.

I heard incoherent yelling and footsteps. The door swung open and I saw the oh too familiar blonde hair.

She looked at me with her piercing blue eyes. The memories flooding in like a dam, the laughs and the wishing, and the wanting. And then the bad memories, the feeling of not being good enough, the frustration, the hope, and then the disappearance of it. Everything became bitter sweet.

I didn't want these memories in my head. They just reminded me of her, my past.

"Hey." Maggie said.


There was an awkward silence.

" you told her."

"yup, she deserved to know." I replied, the doorbell suddenly grabbing my attention.

"you don't love me do you?" she questioned, i turned my head to see genuine curiousity.

The anger rushed in.

"i never did. you left before i got the honor. " I sneered.

She looked down, suddenly ashamed.

"look mikey, i liked you a lot, I was gonna pick you but Chris was so sweet-" She started.

"Save it. If you wanted me, you would've picked me. I fought for you. But now, I'm not here for you, I'm here for her." I spat.

She huffed, calling for Ciana. We both became shocked when we realized she was in the living room, she could have heard every word. She walked towards Maggie, not acknowleding her existence. Maggie went to say something but quickly shut her mouth and walked away.

"hi baby." I whispered quietly.

"Don't call me that."

"Please listen to me Ci, you need to understand, I love you so so much, I know everything about you-" I started, before being cut off by her cold eyes and hollow voice.

"Obviously, you know a lot about me don't you?" She said, referring to the fact that I knew she was Maggie's sister, "I'm done Mikey. I'm not taking my sister's seconds. I don't care about you anymore. We're over."

And she shut the door before I could even blink.

I don't care about you anymore.

I'm done Mikey.

We're over.

I stood there, her voice, echoing off the walls of my head.

I forgot about the gifts, and the almost apology from Maggie.

I forgot the world. I forgot what it felt like to breathe.

Everything collapsed. My chest hurt. And I had control over my legs and body just enough to run away.

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