Sometimes Change is for the Better~ Chappie 4

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IM SO SO SO SORRY ITS BEEN FOREVER! I tried to make this one longer so, ENJOY! :) <3

Chapter Four. :)

They all just kept looking! Have they no shame!? Was it not still considered rude to stare! I walked towards the main doors beside Greyson as quickly as I could without tripping over anything, mainly my own feet, and keeping up with his slow pace. "Would you slow down!? Whats the rush?" He asked. I gave him a look while pulling on one of the metal door handles. I won't open! "Push." He said, impatient. Oh! now he's impatient!?

"The rush is everyone's staring," I replied in an icy whisper. He let out a low chuckle.

"Well, your new." Greyson told me as if it weren't obvious.

"Thanks, I didn't know." I shot back. "I meant isnt it still considered rude to stare? Do I look weird for this school or something?" I added the last part nervously.

"No, you look good." Greyson assured me in a small voice.

"Thanks." I replied in an equally small voice. He said I looked good. Thats good right? Wait what? Why do I care!? I don't.

"Uhh, yeah. This is the office." Greyson said, snapping me out of my own world. I nodded. "You'll be okay?"

"Yeah." I looked ahead to see a rectangular opening with a sign above it saying "OFFICE". That probably would have been easy enough for me to find. I looked over to where Greyson was standing to try and say 'thanks' only to see that he had already left. Well then. I walked into the office, my shoes making the sound of plastic smacking agaisnt it self, the lady's head snapped up. She was old with grey almost white hair, wrinkles on her forehead, and laugh lines around her eys, though I assumed they were more from her eyes narrowing than actually laughing by the way she looked at me.

"Can I help you?" She asked in an ice cold tone.

"Uh-um. Yeah actually. Im new and I just need my schedual. Alexandra Diavonni." I replied as polite as I could. She made a noise in the back of her throat while one of her eyebrows went up then back down quickly, dissaproving. She typed on her keyboard, her fingers raping the small keys fast, then, suddenly, spinning around in her chair, she slid over to the printer, whilst sitting, and yanked the sheet pout before it was done. Yeah. She definatley has no patience what so ever. Grabbing the paper from her hands I spun round and marched out the door with my head high. Confidence. I needed confidence if I was going to make it here. I mean I'm a princess for god sakes. I've got plenty confidence. I started looking for my locker number, 1414,on the many lockers. 1421, 1422, I sighed internally, I'm going the wrong way. I turned around and walked a few paces before looking at the numbers again. 1412, 1413, 1414! Woohoo! I spun it to the numbers written on the paper and got it wrong the first three times! On the fourth I was getting really frustrated and after it didn't open I, like a child, started banging on the metal door. "Why. *hit* Wont. *hit* You. *hit* Open?! *hit*.

I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat and wheeled around to see none other than Greyson. "Need some help?" He asked me smirking.

"No." I replied and turned back around. I tried the lock once more. It didn't open. "Urhg!" I grunted moving aside. "5-45-15" I told him and gestured toward the lock. He twisted it to the numbers I had old him, pulled, there was i tiny mettalic click and the lock pulled open, only to have him unhook it and open my locker door. Showoff. "Thank-you." I said stiffly. He chuckled at me openly. Just then the bell rang and student started filling in the halls. I grabbed a binder and headed off to my first class, english. Should be easy enough.

I had my schedual infront of me as I walked and was looking up at the door numbers. There it was! On the other side of the hall. I started toward it only to have to stop because someone walked infront of me. I started again and had to stop again! This happened twice more before I could finally enter the class room. I walked over to the teachers desk at the front of my room, trying not to look at everyone watching me. "Hi I'm Alexandra Diavonni. I'm new." I said to the woman timidly. Her head snapped up and she smiled kindly at me.

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