Chapter 1 Friends?

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           Marinette  gets ready for the day.  It has been two days since she agreed to be friends with Adrien!  She still has no idea why he shows excitement about it.  She smiles at the kindness he has shown her.  She keeps the gift inside a drawer to her dresser.  She does not tell anyone about it.   Why should she?  It is like the guy has a crush on her or anything, right?   She laughs at the thought.

          Adrien is glad Marinette is his friend now.  He thinks, at least this way, she will mind so much if I do what I can to protect her.  He secretly hopes that someday his crush will love him as he does her!  He can hardly wait to see her again!   

         Meanwhile, Marinette's  ex-boyfriend  is glad that he no longer dates Marinette.  She is just a silly girl, right?   It is not as if he had any really ties to her anyway.  He only dated her out of pity.  He has no remorse that he broke up with her on their one year anniversary of  going steady!  He laughs at the look of sorrow she gave him when she found out.   He is a genius!  He needs no girl in his life to tie him down.  This will give him more time to himself.  More time to write his music. More time to do whatever he desires!  Yes, it is great to be single again at  long last.

       Marinette is in the park when she sees him, her ex boyfriend, Luka Cuffaine.  He sits there as if he has no care in the world.  He plays his guitar!  He plays it well.    Marinette does not bother to speak to him!  She figures why bother when he was the one who broke her heart the day he dumped her.

      Adrien is in the park too.  He sees Marinette all alone.  He smiles when he sees her.  He notices she glances at this guy with light bluish green hair, finger nails painted black,a Jagged Stone t-shirt and black jeans.  He recognizes him as Luka,  Juleka's brother.  He is the guy who has a band.  He can tell Marinette likes this guy.  He wonders, why she is sad though.  Why what could Luka have done to her to put that look of  woe in her face?   

       Luka sees Marinette look his way, but he ignores her.  He just plays his guitar anyway as if they were nothing.   Like he never knew who she was, and like he never once saw that she was the one for him.   He does not care about her the same way she cares about him!

      Marinette  begins to cry again and walks away.  She can  not  believe he could be so cold towards her.  She thought at the very least they could still be friends.  She must have been wrong!  She is in shock that he wants nothing to do with her anymore.  She was the one who was there to comfort him when he found out his father left town and that his mother had to do everything on her own.  She was his best friend before they got together, or so she thought !   Perhaps, that too was a lie!   

       Adrien walks up to Luka and talks to him.  He is not happy about how upset Marinette is right now.

         "Luka, what did you do to Marinette?"  Adrien says.  The anger clear on his face and in his voice.

         "Ha, like why do you care to know?  It is not as if she is important to you."  Luka says.

         "What?  How can you say that about her?  She is great!  She is amazing and she happens to be my friend."  Adrien says.

          "Well, good for you!  Why waste time here then?"   Luka ask.

         "I want answers now!  Why does she look at you like she has feelings for you?"  Adrien ask.

        "Did she not tell you?"   Luka ask.

       "Tell me what?"   Adrien ask.

     "Haha, and you claim you and her are friends!  She must have told you that I was the one who broke up with her!"   Luka brags.

      "What?  You are one who broke her heart?   How could you do this to her?  She loves you!  I do not know why or how, but she does. "  Adrien says.

        "You are just a jealous fool!"  Luka says.

       "I am not jealous,  I just thought for sure her ex boyfriend, was some one I never met before.  Turns out I was wrong  because I  have met you before and I must say you are a disgrace!  In fact,  I hate what you did to her, so much that I hope you fail at your career!  You got that Luka?  I hope you fall flat on your face, and that all your music records get rejected! "   Adrien says.

      "That is kinda harsh is it not, to wish for my job to go badly?"  Luka says.

      "You are the one to talk when you are the one who took the heart of Marinette, the best girl ever in all of Paris, France and just tore it apart as if it were nothing!"  Adrien says.

        "By the way you talk, I would say you are in love with her!  So, good luck with her!"  Luka says.

       "Ugh, you do not seem to see the point here!"  Adrien says.

       "What is that to be exact?"   Luka ask.

      "You should not have ever given her up!  You will regret it one day!"  Adrien says.

      "I assure you, I will not!"   Luka says and scoffs at the very idea.

         Adrien finally leaves more annoyed with Luka now than he has been in years!  He can hardly believe it that this Luka guy  is the same jerk (pardon the language) who made Marinette feel so down about herself!  He goes to see if he can find Marinette next!   Why not?  That is what friends are for, right?

       Adrien's POV:  Luka is the one of all people who dumped Marinette?  Wow, I never saw that coming!  How could I have not known it was him?   I mean really, and why did he do it?  He does not even seem to care she cries about it probably every night since then.  Nor does he seem to care that she will never be the same as a result.  He accused me of  being in love with her!  Really, who does he think he is?   I am not in love with her!  How can I be?  I  barely know her and we have only been friends for a short while.  Sure, I like her, but love her?  As if...

      Marinette's  POV:  When I left the park, I overheard Adrien talk to Luka.  I did not pay attention to what either of them had to say.  I was to upset to stay.  I mean it!   Adrien may be my friend, but Luka was to at one point.  The funny thing is about all this is that Luka dumps me,but Adrien is one who was there to pick up the pieces when I need him the most.  He is the one who did not seem to mind I interrupted his work two days ago, and he hugged me.  I shall never forget how wrong I was about Adrien!  In fact, I feel as if I shall ever be in his debt!   I still love Luka, but for now am glad to have  a new friend.  Who knows, maybe in time I will forget all about my ex boyfriend and move onto someone new!  Until then, I am one crazy, mixed up, confused girl!  

        to be continued in Chapter  2   The Journey Begins?

The Handkerchief AU *Sequel to The Journal by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now