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        Metias's light figure floated around the house, taking in the unfamiliar territory.
        "Where am I" he thought to himself, his thoughts were then interrupted by a small child crying. He floated to where the baby was. It had beautiful dark eyes and blonde hair.
        "Who's baby is th-" as he was thinking a tall blonde figure came in, he looked familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on why.
        "Aww, it's ok Metias" The blonde figure picked up the crying baby and held it close to his chest. "Daddy's here", the baby soon stopped crying at his dad's voice.
        "Who is this man and why is his baby named after me?" Metias was very confused as to how he knew him, until he saw someone very familiar to him walk in.
        "Is he ok?" His baby sister, who he left all alone after his passing, was here. She took the baby from the blonde man. "Thanks for checking on him, day." Metias swallowed a gasp.
        "My June bug is married to day? The same day that broke into the hospital the night I died? the same day that is a wanted criminal?!" Metias went to leave the room to walk around but as he was leaving he knocked a glass box and the contents went everywhere. He noticed a name on the box before he dropped it and realized.
        "T-that was Ollie... wasn't it" He thought to himself as June screamed due to surprise and the fact that her beloved pet was scattered all over the floor.
        "W-what just happened?!" She picked up the bigger pieces of the box, bewildered. Day looked at the box in confusion. No one was anywhere near the box, how did it fall?
        "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" Metias accidentally said out loud. He didn't realize until he saw June's face of utter terror of hearing her dead brother's voice.
        "D-Daniel, I-if you are joking, I-it's not funny at all" June stuttered out.
        "N-no...." He looked just as scared at the sound of the dead officer's voice.
        Metias was in too deep, so instead of trying to go back he just went to it it. "H-hello june bug"

To be continued :)

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