Ghost: Part Two

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        June sat there, speechless, staring into the thin air that called her the nickname given to her by her brother. He was dead, though, he couldn't have been talking to her.. right?

        She looked over at her husband as he stood there, dumbfounded. He knew Metias was dead and he knew by the look in June's face that he wasn't just hearing things.

        ".. Hi Metias.", She answered, hoping she wasn't going insane.

        Metias smiled, He was finally seeing his sister again. For the first time in years and she seemed to be doing ok. in hopes to clear the air and make things a little less stiff, He spoke.

        "Well... are you just gonna sit there or tell me about your life.", He chuckled, hoping he could pretend he was alive and just left on a... long trip.

After standing and staring for what seemed like hours, tears started cascading down June's cheeks at the sound of her brother's voice. She didn't know is she was crying tears of joy or tears of sadness, knowing that he was still dead, and it wouldn't last long. There was something bittersweet about him talking to her, for she knew soon he was going to go away and she wouldn't see him for many many years. She was worried if she said more he would disappear into thin air so she just sobbed into her hands while crouching on the floor. Unable to speak.

        Day sat beside June and tried to comfort her, although he knew it was to no avail. She fell into his arms and stayed there sobbing before Metias spoke up.

        "J-June bug?", He used her nickname from when he was alive to try to coax her to talk.

Finally, June wiped her eyes and looked at Metias.

"Y-You're here...", She hoped he could detect the excitement in her voice.

Metias smiled at his sister talking to him again. He nodded in response.

June smiled back. She got off of the floor and went to hug him, yet, her arms passed right through his light body. She looked at him with sad eyes.

In hopes to bring the smile back in her eyes, Metias asked a question.

"So, you named your kid after me?", He chuckled.

June nodded in response and chuckled along with him.

As June put Metias Jr. back in his crib, Daniel sat on the couch as June's brother hovered over in front of him.

"Hi Day.", Metias greeted the blonde man, "So... you still climbing buildings and robbing hospitals?"

Day laughed in response.

"No, I've been busy with a kid, and I've found no need to... at least for now.", He answered.

June came back in from the nursery and sat beside Day on the couch.

"Now", she said, "Where were we."

I hope you guys liked the second part of ghost! There's gonna be more parts coming soon :)
Also, some fun news: I am considering making a one shot book for Heartless or caraval but I don't know. Comment if you guys would want a one shot book for them! I would still write this one of course

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