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Third Person pov Limited

It was the summer after his fourth year of Hogwarts. He and Hermione Granger were lazying about the room he and Harry Potter where going to be sharing. They had been ordered not to contact Harry, which made him and Hermione a bit on edge. They had tried though. To send letters that is but they had been stopped. Said it was too dangerous. Just for the sole purpose that no one could intercept the letters. Yes, it was logical to leave out sensitive information but to totally ignore Harry? It was ridiculous! And Ron very greatly wanted to write Harry.

A few of the others didn't like it much either but because Dumbledore said it was 'for the best,' they didn't. Though Sirius did also try to get in touch with Harry but was stopped like him and Hermione where.

They had sent a few people to go collect Harry from his priso... ahem, I mean relatives house; including Lupin, Mad eye and a few others. Though Ron and Hermione had yet to find out if anyone had even contacted Harry. They had low hopes that anyone did.

He and Hermione would have a lot to explain when Harry got there and they would not be surprised if he ignored them for awhile. Ron himself would have been upset if he went somewhere he hated with no one to talk or write to. Though upset was probably puting it mildly. On top of that Harry had no idea why they didn't write him so that also put a doubt factor on to everything else.

The door downstares suddenly slammed open; startling the two occupants out of the room to see what the commotion was. They ran to the stairs to see the group that went to fetch Harry.... but no Harry. The group looked tired and worried. Everyone else in the house was confused and quiet.

"Where's Harry?" someone finally asked the question everyone wanted to ask. The group that had just entered seemed to be trying to register what had just been said.

"He... He's gone. There was no sign of him..." Remus said barely loud enough for the occupants of the room to hear.

"WHAT?! Harry is gone?! My grandson is missing? THIS IS WHY WE SHOULDN'T HAVE IGNORED HIM!" He looked to be on the verge of tears of rage.

Ron and Hermione agreed. What Serius had said was right. They shouldn't have ignored Harry.

"Might he have run away?" one of the order member's asked.

At this Shacklebolt shouk his head, "We do not know. Though there was no sign of a struggle."

"We even waited for his muggle relatives to get home to see if Harry was with them. Unfortunately he wasn't. He has been missing for a few weeks," Tonks continued.

At this there was an eruption of noise from the people in the room. Worry filled the air. This brought the rest of the inhabitants from the house to were everyone was in the enterence. The painting of Walburga Black had long sense gone off.

Dumbledore was the last to arrive. He demanded silence from everyone. "Calm, everyone. Do not lose hope. I do not think we have lost Harry yet. I repeat, do not lose hope. We will find him." At these words some of the panick left the air; though most people still had worry etched into their faces and other features.

Where could Harry have gone?

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