Chapter 4

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I knocked on the door nervously. I was actually at his house! OMG.

I tried to contain my stress on how this had happened. I mean, a magic genie would of made sense to all this luck but is it all a coincidence? All this luck in what? Two days? This has to be a coincidence right?

The front door opened and I nearly jumped when I saw he had no top on. I swear I was shaking. I had the sudden urge to touch his muscles but then mentally slapped myself. EW.

"Uh... sorry were you... uh getting changed?" I said awkwardly. No wonder he took so long to get to the door! I mentally slapped myself when weird evil thoughts swam around in my mind. EW.

"Yeah but it's fine come in I will...wait a second." Luke said awkwardly. He sprinted into his room as I stepped through the door. "Officially wowed!" I said. Was that even a word? Wow-ed?

Luke came back with a plain T.shirt on. he led me to his room which was bigger then our living room at home.

He sat down on the bed and asked me to sit on a comfy looking chair.

"So you wanted to be interviewed right?" Luke asked me shyly as I nodded. speak Sky SPEAK!

"I'm probably not as interesting though.'' I said honestly as I shrugged.

He shrugged back. Then I shrugged again. Then he shrugged. I shrugged again.

We had a shrugging contest where we had to go faster and faster. So weird.

I lost laughing as my shoulders bobbed up and down from laughing.

"Ok what's the first question?" I asked leaning forward. He became nervous and smiled, "State your partners name. (interviewer and interviewee."

I put my hand on my chest, sitting up straight and said. "It would be an honour! I am Sky Willow." I said confidently.

He chuckled, writing my last name down. I was surprised on how myself I was around him. I needed to stop that because being myself was like admitting that a dog is a cat. I don't usually open up to people.

For the next hour we talked laughed and answered questioned. But then the happiness stopped.

I got up to leave but he stepped in front of the door. "I really like you Sky." Luke said stepping closer. OMG

I smiled shyly as he said. "I actually do like you allot which is why this is so very hard..." Luke said sadly. Where there tears in his eyes?

"Luke what's going on?" I asked nervously. "I have to so it I'm so sorry Sky." His voice broke as he said it. EW?

He grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back. He tied a rope around them and- WAIT WHAT!

"What are you doing!!" I screamed as he grabbed a sack from under his bed. He pulled it over my head as I heard footsteps coming. Men erupted into the room yelling and laughing as they saw me. Someone punched me in the face knocking me down. I lay there for a while until I snapped back to reality.

What's happening OMG! Ok calm down! I struggled and kicked as millions of hands grabbed me and tried to pull me into what felt like a large suitcase. Oh how would I know I don't know what suitcases feel like. Oh My God am I being kidnapped by Luke and these men.

"Why would you do this Luke?" I asked him screaming.

Luke's tone had changed from the way before. He didn't sound sorry when he said "it was all part of the planning to get you here Sky!" He laughed eevilly

It must be these men making him do this. "Luke I thought you liked me! I thought you didn't want to do this!" I screamed.

The men fell silent "You told her we were kidnapping her!'' One of the men screamed. "No-No I didn't I swear! She lies!" Luke screamed. He sounded nervous. How could they make Luke do this?

"That's what they all say and then it turns out that they help the prisoner escape." The same man said. Lets call him Bill because I can't see what he looks like.

"It's ok Luke play along now we can go through the plan later." I whispered to Luke as if Bill couldn't hear me. "Luke Hemmings! Do you ever want to see your mother again!" Bill screamed.

"Y-yes sir" Luke said sadly. He sounded intimidated. "Then play along and don't stuff up or you'll know what I'll do!" Bill screamed.

"Keep an I on him" Bill said as I was carried out to possibly, my death.

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