Chapter 4

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I felt a bump as I was lifted into the boot of a car. Hands grabbed me and I wrenched forward to try and free myself, but the hands were to strong. They slammed the boot shut and I was left in utter darkness.

That's where the panic kicked in.

I screamed and thrashed around but my arms and legs were tied together so I couldn't make much noise. I screamed at the top of my lungs until my throat burned. I was so thirsty.


My phone is in my freaking pocket! I AM FREE!

If only my hands were not tied together like glue and paper! I mentally face palmed myself. I tugged at the ropes with all my strength, and eventually I got feel the ropes loosening.

Yes! I tugged some more and finally they came apart. I reached down to my right pocket and pulled out my phone. Luckily the amazing people of Apple had created that light beam thingy so that you can see the screen. I dialled 000 and waited for someone to pick.

"Police office department 000 what's your emergency?" The woman on the phone answered in a calm and cool voice. "I-I've been kidnapped!" I screamed into the phone.

"Ok where about are you?" She asked sternly.

"I'm in the boot of a car. I was put in here at Mackay Street. I dunno where I am now." I said trembling all over. OMG was I crying! YES.

"Ok hon the police are on there way where were you out the front of your house?"

"No I was at m-my so called study buddies house but then he kidnapped me!" I said angrily.

"Ok so he kidnapped you?" She sounded like she was taking notes.

"Well he works for some people but he didn't hesitate to kidnap me but-" I stopped short when the light filled my eyes.

"What are you doing?!" Luke yelled at me taking the phone from my hand.

"Oh you know calling a pizza." I said calmly.

He slapped me across the face just as the officer spoke. "Please I don't know what you plan to do with her but this won't make anything better. We will find you and you will suffer. It's not too late boy."



He pulled a gun out of his pocket and faced it towards me, talking the safety off. "It's already done." He whispered.

"And to think I actually was in love with you!" I shouted at him.

My words was the last thing I ever heard as he shot me.

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