tears | 11

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hoseok needed to go water his garden. although he hit his head about 3 days ago, he couldn't let his flowers down. he walked into the woods with a spray bottle and a bucket full of water that namjoon gave him.he walked down the trail that he's paved over the years, turning a corner and spotting his garden.

walking in the entrance he was met with a familiar pink hair and a not so familiar girl resting on his shoulder.

"the fuck are you doing in MY garden?" hoseok has set his water down throwing the empty spray bottle somewhere.

there were two teens, one of them being jungkook and one of them being some girl, cuddled together on his garden floor. he was shocked that jungkook would use this place after what happened about a month ago.

jungkook turned a bright shade of red. clouds covered the sky and the sky began to sprinkle.


everyone turned to a small boy a few yards away.

"y-yoongi?" hoseok quickly looked away as his face grew bright red.

the run peaked through the clouds and onto the garden. the place lit up in a bright golden.

jungkook stood up and brushed himself off. then held a hand out for the girl, pulling her up. he held her hand. they both walked out of the garden and walked away from the situation they didn't want to bother with.

hoseok couldn't look at yoongi. all he remembered was the last time he saw him and he was beyond embarrassed. he heard small footsteps come closer to him until there was a pair of shoes in his view of the ground.

hoseok looked up and was met with yoongi's beautiful brown eyes. he felt a connection so much stronger than before. he wanted to eat yoongi's cute face.

yoongi was scared at hoseok's glare. he couldn't read the boy in front of him, "um, h-hose-"

yoongi was cut off by hoseok's lips being crashed onto his own. he felt his stomach flipping but it felt to right to him. yoongi wanted hoseok and hoseok wanted him. during their separation, they both realized they needed each other in their lives.

their tongues moved perfectly together. they felt the love within each other. both of their hearts pounded harder than they ever have before. yoongi wrapped his arms around hoseok's neck and pulled the two closer. hoseok's arms snaked around yoongi's body and rested on his waist, bringing the small boy closer to them.

yoongi finally let out an unsteady breath and hoseok pulled away, worried. yoongi could only smile at the boy.

"i-i need to water my plants" hoseok stuttered. he was so weak and soft around yoongi and it was so hard to pull away.

yoongi nodded and pulled away. he walked around the garden and eyed the flowers in the garden, blossoming.

"hoseok, i never liked flowers"

hoseok turned around to face yoongi. he was staring down a small white flower that was blooming through the cracks of the walls. hoseok didn't plant that one.

"why?" hoseok was confused. yoongi always stared at the flowers when he was to embarrassed to look at hoseok when they would talk and sometimes he was too fascinated by the white flowers flowing in the wind to even hear hoseok.

"they bother me. they're always there when people die"

hoseok froze. he wanted to end it all. yoongi has lost someone. if this was yoongi's way of saying it, he felt bad yoongi couldn't tell him normally"

"i'd like to say my moms died" hoseok added. he hoped yoongi felt more comfortable talking if he opened up, "she left me at an amusement park when i was four. then my adoptive parents took me in. they were the best at the time, the she died and my 'father' went to shit. my biological dad was never present."

yoongi felt like shaking. he thought hoseok lived a decent and happy life but he was far from that.

"hoseok please don't cry"

"i'm crying?" hoseok touched his cheeks and found tears pouring out of them. his heart hurt so bad. he didn't want to seem weak around yoongi but he finally let go. he never told anyone his life, even namjoon.

he acted fine and put on a smile but every day but he came home to the same shitty life. no one really ever cared about him other than his adoptive mom for the very few years she had with him.

yoongi went behind him and hugged his back. hoseok was full on sobbing and yoongi was confused. he didn't know what to do other than what jimin usually did to him when he had issues about his family.

"hoseok, come here," yoongi pulled hoseok to the floor of the garden and sat there with hoseok. he pulled hoseok's leaking head into his chest and let hoseok listen to his nervous heartbeat.

"hoseok, you are always my energy. i feel like a plant and you're giving me all the sun to make energy or glucose; whatever we learned in school. but you can't always have energy. just like the sun, it takes breaks. you don't need to be smiling to be the light in everyone's life" yoongi thought more for a second on what he was going to say as hoseok breathing slowed, "you're my soulmate. you've changed my life with just breathing. not only that but you're beyond pretty and i get so flustered whenever i think about you actually being mine and sometimes i don't believe i actually have you—"

yoongi was rambling. hoseok took this as an opportunity to pull yoongi on his lap so he could face him. his thighs wrapped around hoseok's. the boy in front of him kept talking as hoseok stared at his body. if only yoongi would stop talking. he finally couldn't resist the urge and bit down on yoongi's neck. yoongi let out a long moan.

hoseok changed his mind, he didn't want yoongi to stop making noise. hoseok finally looked up at yoongi's bright red face, "please let us love forever."

A/N: this chapter is so soft and sad omgggg

praying for y'all when yoongi finally tells hoseok his side of the story.

the garden; jhs • mygWhere stories live. Discover now