Chapter 6

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Grace's POV:

I am currently in Mal and Evie's room, I am sitting on the window, reading Harry Potter. Evie is sewing, Mal is drawing and Jane is complaining. I can tell Mal wants to talk about our earlier conversation, but I just keep reading.

"Mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it'. Can you believe it? What world does she live in?"

Mal scoffs, "Auradon" Mal says.

"Guys, you like?" Evie asks, holding up the dress she was sewing.

"Yeah, it's cute." Mal replies

"Brings out your eyes." I comment.

"I'll never get a boyfriend!" Jane says, as she slumps down onto a bed.

"Boyfriends are overrated." Mal and I say in unison, we have been doing this a lot lately and its creepy.

"And how would you guys know? You've never had one." Evie replies, snarkily.

"I have." I reply.

"You have?" Evie asks, "Who?"

"Harry Hook." I answer, shuddering.

"Besides, I don't need one, E" Mal replies. "They're a waste of time."

Evie went to reply, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Lonnie, not waiting for an invitation, and stands in the middle of the room. "Hi guys. I'm Lonnie" We don't reply. "My mom's Mulan?" Again, we don't reply. "No? Anyway, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and well you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?"

"Why would we do that for you?" Mal asks.

"I'll pay you fifty dollars." She replies, holding up a bag of coins.

"Good answer, I need to buy more material." Evie replies, taking the bag from Lonnie and looking at her hair. "Let's see, I'm thinking we lose the bangs, maybe some layers, and highlights."

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool, like Mal and Grace's" I am shocked by this, she thinks my hair was cool?

"Really the split ends too?" Evie replies, which made her receive a glare from Mal and I. Evie shakes the money bag, and we both growl and get up from where we were sitting.

"Can I try Mal?" I ask, as she had done Jane's hair. She nods to me and I look to Lonnie. I lean against the bed post and close my eyes. I imagine a 'cool design' and then I open my eyes and gasp, Lonnie walks to the mirror. She looks at her reflection.

"I know, it looks like a mop on your head." Evie says, holding Lonnie's shoulders looking in the mirror also. "You know, let's cut it off and layer it-"

"No, no, no, no, no. I love it." I smile internally, proud of my work. "You do?" Evie replies, shocked. "It's just..." Lonnie then rips her skirt, "Now, I'm cool."

"Like ice." Mal replies. Jane then approaches the mirror and rips her skirt also, she then seems to realise what she had done. She gasps.

"What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me." We laugh at this.

"Hey, Grace. Did you know that when you do magic your eyes glow gold?" Mal asks. I shake my head, remembering the rose and how that was gold.

"Do you think that's why the rose went gold?" I ask Mal and Evie.

"Maybe." Mal says.

"I'll go to the library later and check." I say, they nod. I then leave the room to go to speak to the coach with Jay.

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