Chapter 8

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Grace's POV:

When I get to Evie's dorm, I see her and Mal are in there. "Evie, can you help me?" I ask.

"What's up?" She asks.

"I was asked on a date." I say. She squeals in excitement.

"My girls are growing up." She says, I look to Mal.

"You too?" I ask, she nods. 

I am currently sitting on Mal's bed, and Evie is doing my hair and makeup, looking to the floor. "Grace?" I am brought out my trance by Mal's voice. I look to her, careful not to move too much because Evie is pulling my hair into a half-ponytail. "You okay?"

"Yeah. You?" She nods.

"Thank you for this Evie, my dad didn't understand makeup and I never had a sister." I say as Evie puts on my makeup.

"Well now you have two, we're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way, just ask Snow White." Evie replies.

"Are you scared of her?" Mal asks.

"Sometimes." Evie replies, "Are you scared of your mum?"

"I just really want her to be proud of me, she gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh- yeah she's my mum, so I know she loves me... in her own way." Mal replies. "What do you know about your mum?" Mal asks me.

"All I know is that she's from Auradon, dad never liked to speak about her, I knew better than to ask." I reply.

"Do you want to come and see yourself?" Evie asks. I nod and walk to the mirror, as I step in front, I am completely shocked by what I see. I am beautiful, not being self-centred, but I look so different. "Say it." Mal says with a smirk.

"I look, not hideous."

"Not even close." Evie says, hugging my shoulder, with Mal hugging the other.

There is a knock on the door, but it is too early for it to be Blaise. "It's probably Jay and Carlos." Evie says, "Oh, hide behind the screen, I want them to be blown away." I nod and hide behind the screen.

"Hey Mal, Evie." Carlos says, "She ready?"

"Yep." Evie says.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yes." Jay and Carlos say at the same time. I walk out from behind the screen and their faces change completely. They are both staring at me.

"Do I look okay?" I ask, insecure at the stares I am receiving.

"Grace..." Jay begins.

"You look beautiful." Carlos finishes. I blush, even though he was like a brother it made me happy to get a complement.


"Right, what time is he getting here?" Evie asks.

"Two minutes." I reply, the nervousness clear on my voice. Mal walks up to me and grabs my hand.

"Hey. Don't worry, you'll be fine." I nod and hug her, it then became a group hug, but everyone is being careful not to ruin my makeup or hair.

There is then a knock on the door. I look up scared, I go to get the door, when I open it I see Blaise standing there looking great, he has a 'posh-casual' vibe. He looks great. We both look at each other for a moment.

Blaise's POV:

Wow. Grace looks amazing, there she is standing there. The red dress complement her brown eyes, along with her black and red hair. I stand there for a moment, just staring at her. I then come back to reality. "Wow, Grace. You look stunning." I say, and she blushes.

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