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Frank dropped me back off at my place because Victoria was home. Frank hates he just about as much as I do so he just went back to his place. Walking in the front door, I was greeted with Victoria lounging around on the sofa. 

"What the hell are you doing home?" She spat towards me. Shit, I forgot that I'm supposed to be at school. Shiiiiiiit.

"Didn't feel well." I lied. I knew she wouldn't buy it but it was worth the try.

"Bullshit you brat. To your room right fucking now before I have to get up." She snarled. I rolled my eyes at her and went up stairs. She threw one of her hooker heels at me on my way up. It hit my forehead, most definitely making it bleed. "Don't roll your fucking eyes at me you little bitch!" I rubbed my head as I made my way into my room. I almost screamed at the sight of Gerard on my bed.

"Tough scratch you got there." Gerard said getting up from my bed. He grabbed a tissue on his way over. 

"What the hell are you doing here Gerard!?" I whisper yelled at him, not wanting Victoria to hear. 

"What the hell are you going not at school?" Gerard said as he held the side of my face with one hand and wiped the blood up with the other. 

"It was your idea!" 

"I have a lot of ideas, some last 12 years." He shrugged. I was confused but moved onto the next topic. 

"Aren't vampires supposed to go crazy over blood or something?" I asked walking over to my bed.

"That's a misconception. It's just like humans and food. They certainly love it as well as the smell, but most can control themselves. I'm part of that most when it comes to vampires." Gerard flopped onto my bed next to me and laid down.

"Make yourself at home why don't you?" I said with fifty percent sarcasm, and fifty percent annoyance.

"Already have sugar." He stretched himself out. "So who's the bitch down there with the 'hooker heels'?"

I groaned, "Victoria the wicked stepmother."

"Does your dad know she treats you like that?" He asked unknowingly. 

"He might." I responded, wondering if him and mom could see me from wherever they are. Gerard looked at me confused, but must've read my mind or something because his confusion dropped to sympathy and regret.

"Elle, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring up sore memories." Gerard said sincerely. I waved him off.

"It's okay. It's in the past." I sadly smiled. Gerard sat up and pulled me into a hug. Another unexpected act from Gerard, but I still enjoyed it. Unlike last time, I actually hugged him back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head into his chest. He smelled like how every other fanfic describes him. Black coffee and cigarettes. It's times like these that I forget that Gerard's an actual blood sucking vampire that could kill me in seconds. He just seems like a normal human being. 

After a few seconds Gerard let go of me. I think he finally realized how out of character hes been because he looks flustered.

"Don't get used to me being this nice. I don't know what's up with me." He chuckled uncomfortably. "I think Frank is rubbing off on me."

"Is that such a bad thing though?" I laughed.

"You're not wrong." He chuckled, "So what's the real deal between you and Frank. There has to be something going on."

"Frank and I have lived across the street from each other literally since birth. His family tried to move once but Frank threatened to run away if they did. So they didn't. Frank and I have been friends ever since birth. Though we are extremely close, there is no romance between us. He has had many girlfriends throughout his life." I explained. Gerard raised an eyebrow.

"What about you? You've had many boyfriends? Or girlfriends?" Gerard asked. I punched his shoulder.

"It would be boyfriends thank you very much." I corrected, Gerard chuckled. "And no. People are too scared to date me because of Frank."

"People are scared of Frank?" Gerard asked in disbelief. 

"Only when it comes to me. Frank doesn't care about anything more than he does me. He feels the constant need to protect me. He tries to be my father, my brother, and my best friend all at the same time since I don't have any of those." 

"I can see that. He's very protective over you." Gerard nodded,  "But I'm not scared of little Frankie." He chuckled.

The conversation ended after that. We both just kinda sat there quietly staring at nothing in particular. Gerard knows a bit about me, but I don't know much about him. I want to know more about him, so I decided to ask.

"Tell me about you." I said, shifting to look at him.

"Pardon?" He asked meeting my gaze. 

"Tell me about your life. About your background." I elaborated. Gerard seemed hesitant.

"It's not that pleasant. I don't think you'd like it. It's too sad." 

"Mines not all that great either if you remember. You don't have to tell me if it makes you too upset, but if you don't mind I'd like to know." I leaned against the wall pressed against my bed. 

Gerard looked at me as if wondering why I care so much. But instead of asking, he sighed and began talking. "I grew up in the Belleview area. It was my parents, Mikey and I. Our dad was a druggie and alcoholic. He abused my mom, a lot. I was able to keep him from Mikey, but I often got hurt in doing so. One night he got really physical with my mom. I was twenty at the time, Mikey was still about eighteen, a year older than you are now. I stepped into the scene and threw my dad off my mom. I looked over at her and realized that he had killed her. So I went after my dad, but he pulled a knife on me and," Gerard lifted his shirt over his head to show a scar on his chest about three inches long from a knife. I gasped and reached out to touch it. I ran my fingers softly over the healed wound. I looked up at Gerard who had his eyes closed taking in the feeling of my touch on his chest. I could feel a tear well up in my eye. He opened his eyes and brought his shirt back over his body, "He left once the drugs wore off and realized what he did. Mikey was over at Ray's that night. They came back luckily before I was completely done for. We knew Ray was a vampire. The only thing Ray could do to save me was to, well, turn me. It wasn't until a year later that I turned Mikey. The same thing happened to Mikey that happened to me. Our dad had found where Mikey and I had been staying, which was Ray's place. He tried killing Mikey, and almost did. I really didn't want to do it to Mikey, but I couldn't lose my little brother too. So I turned him. And as for my dad...." Gerard hesitated a second before continuing, "I-I killed him." Gerard now had a tear streaming down his face. Now it was my turn to comfort him. 

I latched my arms around Gerard's neck and held onto him tight. I let out a few tears while Gerard let out a few sobs. He held onto my waist as if he never wanted to let go. I whispered sweet comforting nothings into his ear in attempts to sooth him. I felt horrible for bringing it up. Gerard cried for a couple minutes more before letting go of me. He wiped his eyes with his jacket sleeve. He missed a single tear so I reached up and wiped it for him. 

"I'm so sorry I brought it up Gerard." I whispered.

"It's okay Elle. I promise, it's okay." He replied. He pulled me under his arm and we sat there for a while. 

Gerard's POV

Elle and I sat on her bed for a while, her under my arm. It had gotten pretty late by the time she fell asleep. I looked down at her still body. She's adorable when she's sleepy. A smile managed to form across my lips. 

Trying not to wake her, I moved Elle's body to be laying down on her bed. I pulled the blanket over her so she wouldn't be cold. Before I left, I decided to do something for her. I thought for a few seconds to make sure it'd be perfect before giving it to her. I placed my hand over her forehead and gave her a dream. Something that Mikey taught me how to do. Since she doesn't dream, I figured it'd make her happy in the morning. Once I was sure she'd get it, I left her room. Victoria had left earlier so I went out the front door, locking it behind me. I chuckled as I imagined her being some hideous monster.

See you tomorrow Elliebell.

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