Ch 8: Crazy Stupid.

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Two weeks. Two whole weeks of being stuck on cloud nine. Jisoo really couldn't believe it. If you told her three weeks ago that Jennie Kim would be her girlfriend she would've slapped you in the face and called you crazy. Yet, here she was. Spinning around in her office chair with a sickeningly dopey smile on her face as she thought about her oh so hot girlfriend just down the hall.

Now who was the crazy one?

"Uh miss Kim?" Rosé hesitantly knocks on the glass door.

"Yes my dear Rosie Posie?" Jisoo answers still spinning slowly as she smiles up at the ceiling.

"Jennie asked me to leave you a message. She said to meet her in her office at 11." Rosé informs.

"Got it. Thanks." Jisoo grins.

After their little hike two weeks ago, it turns out Jennie really did have a surprise at the top of the mountain. A gorgeous view of the city, and a question that surprised Jisoo so much she said no way two times in disbelief when what she really wanted to say was hell yes.

Her phone on her desk suddenly chimed with a new message. Glancing across the office she has a good idea as to who its from. Solely based off the small smirk a certain stunning brunette is sending her.

Jennie: Please tell me its 11

Jisoo: Sadly no. Its only 10.

Jennie: ugh! Why can't it be 11 already?!

Jisoo: why did you have to say 11, why couldn't you just say now

Jennie: because I have a real meeting now, the girl is just late.

Sparring a glance from her phone to Jennie's office she can see the girl scowling, pointing her finger to her mouth as if to say 'gag'. It makes Jisoo giggle to herself.

She must've looked like a total dweeb to any on lookers. Laughing and smiling to herself like some crazy person. This was young teenager in love behaviour. But she wasn't a teenager so it just classified as old weirdo in her office that laughs by herself.

She couldn't be too quick to jump the gun on this whole love thing. It's not like she was in love with Jennie. No, no, no, no, it was way to soon. She just really really enjoyed the brunettes presence.

Yeah. That's what it was.

Just as she was about to text back something else caught her attention. A girl with smooth long legs, dressed for what could only be called a vogue photoshoot, long black hair, and sweet smile. People in the office stopped their tasks to stop and stare. One man even gave her his fresh coffee without thought.

Jisoo's brows shot up to her hairline when the girl turned to walk into Jennie's office.

Oh no. No, no, no, no.

Her stomach was churning in a slowly boiling jaelousy as she leaned back in her chair watching the interaction between Jennie and this new....lets call her Hot office chick.

Jisoo desperately wished she could here the conversation they were having. Based on how quickly hot office girl made Jennie's scowl turn into a small grin things were not looking good on her end.

She couldn't even do that to Jennie. In fact it took a whole week of hating and glaring until Jennie finally softened up. Not to mention two hot makeout sessions. And all hot office girl has to do is smile and flip her hair? Talk about unfair.

Granted, Jisoo did walk in on Jennie having the best sex of her life. And she only calls it that because they haven't had sex yet. 

At this point, Jisoo's eyes were narrowed, zeroed in on Jennie's office. A pen between her lips as she kept on arm crossed. She looked an evil villain planning her destructive ploy on hot office girl.

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