Ch 14: Mon Amour.

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Waking up to Jennie was just as awesome as going to bed with Jennie. Jisoo couldn't think of a better way to start and finish her day. Her steps were feathery light these days paired with an overly chipper attitude Lisa had been ruthlessly making fun of her for. She couldn't help it, she was just so damn happy.

All because of one person.

Jennie Kim.

Yeah yeah, she could go on and on about how amazing her girlfriend is but that would take forever and this book is meant to be kept short.

They still haven't talked much about Jennie's ordeal with Taehyung and Kai. In fact the wedding invitation had grown somewhat of a home in the middle of their coffee table—she means Jennie's coffee table. Not theirs. It's not like she lived there or anything.


She did spend a lot of time there.

Like a lot.

As in Dalgome even had his own bed next to Kuma's.

But she wasn't 'officially' living with Jennie. That was kind of a big step in a relationship. Jisoo isn't sure they're quite ready for that yet. For now she's content with spending the nights here whenever she pleased and that was more often than not. It just so happens that Jennie's apartment is closer to work. So that they can just go together in the mornings.

Yes, Jisoo has accepted that they've totally crossed the "Domestic" line.

She wanted to deny it, but then she had to sit through a fifteen minute lecture from Lisa about how they totally were "Domestic."

To sum up it went a little like this...

"Do you have breakfast together? Does she cook and you read while you wait, but when you get impatient you hug her from behind and kiss her neck?" Lisa questions.


"When you arrive at work together, do you kiss before going to your seperate offices?"


"Oh my god does she say bye honey?!"


"And before bed do you two sit on your chosen sides. Does she work while you read? Do you say I love you before bedtime? Do you cuddle before sex?! Do you brush your teeth together? Do you have a drawer at her apartment?"

"...yes." Jisoo answers to all questions.


And that's basically how Jisoo spent her Thursday morning without Jennie.

Otherwise known as a mistake.

Although she did miss Lisa.

Her roomate has been busy these days sneaking around to plan her proposal. The first thing she did was video chat with Chaeyoung's parents to ask for their daughters hand in marriage.

Originally she was going to fly to Australia and ask them but Jisoo convinced her that she was crazy and all she needed to do was call.  Since she's recieved their blessing she's been running around planning the most extra proposal Jisoo had ever seen. But it was Lisa and she expected nothing less.

Jisoo sipped on her coffee contently as she finished typing up the last few sentences of her article. A small smile slipped onto her face feeling slim arms wrap around her accompanied by a kiss on the cheek.

"You ready to go?" Jennie asks.

"Uh yeah just give me two seconds," Jisoo rushes to finish.

She can see Jennie looking at something in the corner of her eye. She looked conflicted. Seeing as to what it was Jisoo, slowly closes her laptop shut.

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