Chapter 1: The Stand Up

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Author's note:
Sorry if this is a long first chapter I just wanted to have something to build off to get the story going. This part of the script does not belong to me and is just their normal meeting with a little bit of changes.
Promise there is more Dunclet and Kladora coming.
Pls ignore my bad grammar and spelling I'm failing English 🙃

Narrators POV-
It was Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire's 2nd day at Prufrock Prepatory School. They were lining up at Cafeteria when someone began to whisper their names from behind the counter.

Violet's POV
"Violet, Klaus, Sunny!"
I heard someone whisper from behind the counter.
I tried looking around trying to hear where the voice was coming from.
"Baudelaires!" the voice said again.
I looked around again and noticed someone hiding behind the counter. We peeped over to see a man we had met many times before but never really knew.
"Wait we know you, your that waiter we keep meeting every where." I stated
"No, no I have never met u before, um would you like mashed potatoes with...whatever is on your plate" he quickly replied
Me being confused knowing who he was said again.
"Yes you have, we have met you several times."
"No you have not, now would you like mash potatoes or not?!" he stated again a bit more aggressively this time.
"Yes we have." Klaus defended "Your Larry the waiter."
"Ok yes children I am Larry but you mustn't say my name out loud there are always enemies close by in this world."
"We knew it!" Sunny exclaimed in her not quite English language.
"Come over here children." he pointed towards the end of the counter.
"I'm an undercover V.F.D agent working for a secret organisation, I'm sure you kids know what it stands for."
"No we don't." Klaus replied eagerly.
"All your questions and everything that has happened to you will me answered and explained once I give you this-"
He turned around reaching for a bag strapped around his back. I could see there was nothing there so I was confused for a second why he would need to reach back to his bag when there was nothing in there.
"Oh no, no no no." He began to say sounding very worried.
I was about to ask Larry why he had all of a sudden started panicking but we were rudely interrupted by the one and only Carmelita Spats.
"Move cake sniffers I need to get my special meal for the day. Vice princie Nero always gets me my own personal meal so I don't have to eat all this rubbish like you cake sniffers."
"Go away Carmelita, no one cares if you get better meals than we do, it's unfair anyway-" Klaus had been cutoff by Carmelita since she desperately needed to say something.
"That's were you wrong cake sniffer, it's perfectly fair since I'm obviously more adorable than you." she replied with a evil smirk.
" Just take your food and go away." I say.

Klaus' POV:
Carmelita gave us a dirty look and tapped danced away to her table.
We hadn't noticed that Larry had gotten on the floor shaking his bag in search of something. I couldn't help but wonder if he was going to give us answers to all our questions and everything we had been through.
He got up and stared at us for a bit, he almost looked scared.
"Um didn't you say you were going to give us something that was going to answer our questions?"
I asked
"What, no I never said that."
"Yes you did." Violet clapped back.
"I meant to say.." he stuttered, "here is your mashed potatoes."
He plopped a handful of mashed potatoes onto our trays and immediately walked back to the kitchen.
Violet, Sunny & I all had lost out appetites after everything that had happened.
"Um Violet do you really think that he had answers to all our questions?" I asked curiously
"Maybe Klaus just maybe."

Violet's POV:
We were looking around to see if there were any empty tables since it seemed like no one wanted to be our friends at this school. We were walking past Carmelita's table when I felt myself falling forward, I felt my face hit the ground hard and as soon as I sat up Carmelita laughing in my face. Me being still unsure of what had happened asked Klaus.
"You tripped over Carmelita's foot which just happened to be there!" Klaus told me.
"Or maybe your blind are actually the cake sniffer who needs glasses, no wonder you have no friends." she said taunting us.
The whole cafeteria started laughing at us including the cafeteria workers. I was just about to fight back when a voice came up behind me.
"Leave them alone Carmelita, no one in the right mind would even want to be friends with you anyways."
Carmelita seemed surprised that someone had stood up against her.
"Wait aren't you guys those other cake sniffing orphans."
"Just sit down and eat your 'special meal' Carmelita."
She was annoyed but didn't want to fight back and just sat down at her table.
"Did you want help there" the voice asked me.
"Yes that would be helpful."
He pulled out his hand towards me and I pulled me up from the floor.
"You guys can come sit with me and my sister on this table."
"Thank you" Klaus replied, " No one else seems to want us on their table."
We followed him towards a table at the back of the cafeteria, and there sitting on the table was a girl. Around the same height as the other boy and they looked alike so I assumed it was his sister.
"Hello, I'm Isadora, Isadora Quagmire."
"Oh and I'm Duncan."
"Hello I'm Violet and these are my siblings Klaus and Sunny."
"Nice to meet you." Duncan said while looking at me.
I couldn't help but look back and it turned into a stare. We couldn't stop staring at each other. I noticed his lovely hazel brown eyes.
"Get a room" Sunny exclaimed
I was embarrassed and quickly looked away and back to the subject of the conversation.

Klaus' POV:
"Wait so you guys are orphans as well."
"Yes our parents and brother Quigley perished in a fire that destroyed our home, we are triplets."
"We are so sorry to hear that."Violet replied in a comforting voice.
"That happened to us as well, except we didn't have a triplet brother." I added
How was it that they had met another pair of orphans that had also lost their family and home in a fire. Was there a connection or was it a pure coincidence.
"Well welcome to Prufrock Prep"

Baudelaires x Quagmires ASOUE fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now