#3 He tweets a picture of your child

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Ashton: https://www.etsy.com/listing/119560825/olivia-paige-pin-up-baby-girl-bandana

@Ashton5SOS: She's following her dad's steps.Step 1: Wearing a bandana. Good girl! ;D 

Luke: http://weheartit.com/entry/66857492/in-set/10519509-babies?context_user=Mayelin_Diaz06&page=2

@Luke5SOS: Waking up to this...


@Calum5SOS: Only two years old but started giving duck faces for a selfie already. Who taught her that?!

Michael: http://kelliejones.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/ry-crazy-hair-2.jpg?w=450&h=428

@Michael5SOS: Brandon with his new hair style. I did it. No regrets..

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