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{8-Well, that's Odd}

Dinner was miserable. Dumbledore had stared her down the whole time, and she'd eaten alone, her mind most likely audible as it worked through all of the information she had. Someone had surly heard the conductor of her train of thought yelling in utter frustration, but alas, Hermione succeeded through supper without any odd glances.

Fighting the curse on her was a challenge, and she wanted so badly to change things, especially now that she knew the purpose was to tempt her to do so. Horrible things happened to people who messed with time, however, and Hermione did not want to go down in history as the next class-act idiot. No, she much preferred titles like Head of the Department of Mysteries or... Minister of Magic.

Regardless, she went back to her dorm and pulled out some work to do, tucking it under her arm as she traveled into the common room. Hermione enjoyed her small room alone, but after years of Parvati and Lavender chattering, or music being played, or the boys taunting her with questions... the quiet was a hard thing to swallow.

The common room was mildly empty, as she was sure lots of people were still at dinner, and she saw that the chair she'd sat on many nights with Harry and Ron surrounding her was available. She snatched it in an instant, feeling comfortable and right for the first time in a very long while.

Hermione read for a bit, uninterrupted, but how else could her evening be ruined if not being sat across from and then talked to.


Looking up wearily at the voice, Hermione sighed.

"Hi." It was not friendly, but Sirius took it with a grin as though she'd welcomed him with open arms.

"You seem upset, and while I know your date didn't go all that great while we were out, I hope you at least had some fun?"

"I did, thanks," Hermione replied shortly, feeling uncomfortable as she wiggled further into her chair. If she'd never had girl mannerisms before, she certainly was exhibiting them now.

"Right, well, I just thought I'd check in. We're going again this weekend if you want to jump in. I know it's a bit away, but it'll just be James, Remus, Peter and myself. It's sort of a tradition for just the guys to go after... certain things happen."

Sirius cursed as he realized he'd said too much. It wasn't like Hermione didn't know, but it was certainly interesting that he seemed so loose-lipped.

"And what things are these that happened?" Hermione decided he deserved the jab.

"I got rejected," he recovered superfluously, "We don't like to shove salt in the wounds after a failed attempt."

"Ah, well maybe if you weren't so cocky you wouldn't get rejected all the time."

Sirius glared at her, but it was halfhearted and gone as soon as it came.

"And what do you think you know, Granger?"

"That you hate your family and actually have a good heart under there somewhere beyond all that outward bullying."

Now she got a true displeased facial expression. Sirius was not attractive when he was angry... but he wasn't when he was happy either.

"Hey, I reckon I've toned down over the years. Haven't gotten in a row in a few months," he mumbled like a scorned child, picking his feet up and replicating Hermione's stance.

"And what's that supposed to mean if you're never going to apologize to the people you've hurt. Like Severus? He doesn't come from a great homestead, you know? He doesn't need shite from you, too." It had all slipped before she could stop herself, but it did the job nonetheless.

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