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Hermione awoke the next morning, her head fuzzy and body tried. Everything felt heavy as she rolled over, looking at the familiar ceiling.

She knew where she was... she knew exactly where she was.

Sitting up quickly, Hermione smiled broadly, a load of other thoughts assaulting her. She remembered her parents, and they remembered her, and she had so many friends! Harry, Ron, Ginny, Neville, Luna, and unfamiliar names or what used to be unfriendly faces such as Draco and Pansy.

The classes over the years, and her escapades of getting into so much trouble that she hadn't ever got caught for... all the eye-brow raising memories she found with boys hidden away as bashful memories.

There was one thing stuck in her brain, however, which made her laugh out loud. She was alone in the bed, she noticed dimly, so Severus must have been downstairs. He certainly must have heard her, and she let herself continue to laugh as he came up the stairs, running by the sound of it.

"Hermione?" He opened the door without hesitation, looking at her hopefully.

"Come here, I remember everything!"

Relief had never been so apparent as Severus rushed at her, seizing her in a kiss and joining her on the bed. A part of her shivered delightfully, blushing all the while.

"You'll never believe what I just found out."

He sorted himself out before encouraging her to go on.

"And this is?"

"Apparently," she said with a giggle, "You really have caught my eye over the years, Severus. When you came to graduation, I set my sights on you. There's this promise in here that says I would do whatever it took to have you."

She could no longer control her laughter as she dissolved into giggles, Severus seeming rather unamused.

"So... I would have had a chance even if you weren't... as you are now?"

She nodded, her laughs remaining unchecked as he began to show the signs of a smile.

"Well, you seem to have rather wonderful taste, then."

This did not help her laughing situation, but the sudden onslaught of lips certainly did.

Some while later they were laying on the bed, simply enjoying one-another's presence until Severus looked at Hermione with curious eyes.

"Tell me about yourself," he commanded softly, "If we're going to do this properly now, I want to know it all."

"Which 'all' do you want?"

He chuckled, "I got most of the other one... I want the new one. I know so little because I tried to keep my distance."

"Thank Merlin you did. Now there won't be any problem. I've seen you at the Ministry a few times... we'll pull something together for how we ended up like this," Hermione said, motioning to their plethora of covers keeping what little modesty they had in check.

Severus hummed as he pulled her closer, placing a kiss to her forehead indicating she should start with her tale.

"Well, I grew up almost the exact same way I did the first time, I don't think there were many differences... but when I got to Hogwarts... it was all different. There was no helping Neville find his toad, it was moreover almost getting bowled over by Harry and Ron as they raced down the cart attempting to find Neville, and then they asked me to join..." Hermione smiled like a giddy child, remembering something that made her so very happy. "First year was great, no you as a moody professor, Remus was a fantastic one, though occasionally absent. Nothing odd but such good friendships and times until fourth year when the whole Tri-Wizard thing happened. Gods, I missed out on so much having to deal with all those horcruxes and such...

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