{18-So, Did I Mention I'm From the Future?}
The final weeks of classes and tests were a very interesting time for Hermione. She knew she was going to pass everything, they'd prepared an insane amount to make sure that everyone could go on and do what they planned to, but there was a doubt in her that after a small sabbatical, she might not get to do the things she'd planned. If she lived long enough to do them.
Lily and James wanted to be Aurors, which could not have surprised her less since she knew their future in helping out the Order, which in reality they should be joining any moment. Remus hadn't really any plans due to his... limitations, which was ridiculous to Hermione as she attempted to continuously pry something out of him... even if it wasn't teaching. He'd been rather good at that, but it mightn't have been his passion. Sirius was a wild card of course. And lastly Peter seemed very vague about what he wanted to do, which forced Hermione to realize that she had been far too late to save Peter from his fear.
Severus determined that he wanted to pursue potions in a mastery, understudying someone from the ministry who was growing old an wished to retire. He hoped that he would be able to take his place, but everyone knew the ministry and figured what would happen, would. There was no sureness or security, but Hermione did so hope that his talents kept leading him well.
The funny thing about those weeks were that Lily had seemed to put down whatever hatred or lack of care it was that she held for Hermione because the two of them talked very often. Their smarts were extremely compatible, and while Harry was very much like James, he had a whole lot of his mother in him as well, she noticed. They cross-referenced almost every fact in every book, and the boys never seemed to understand most of the things they said, which was only all the more fun. Well, Remus kept up most of the time, but he would get distracted by the boys most certainly.
Then came the stark realization that Severus was right. He'd seen something in Sirius even Hermione hadn't, and it was almost worrisome. She was their friend before Severus ever was so how did he notice before... then again, he'd known them for a lot longer too.
Sirius was, to her most sincere deduction, head over heels in love with Remus. He went out of his want to be near him and was constantly doting on the poor boy. At first she thought and rationalized that he was just trying to be a really good friend, but Hermione could see the glances he took when he thought no one was watching and the way he always touched Remus. Sirius was no sly dog.
It was the evening of her first exam that she was talking to Severus about it, curious as to what he would say she should do about it.
"I told you he had something for him, it was only a matter of time before you saw it too."
"Well, I didn't want to see it, I suppose. You know, I feel like I stopped them from having something. I mean, I came out of practically nowhere and then uprooted the whole group."
She earned a strange look.
"Lupin rather likes you, though, I don't suppose he'd care much for anyone else. I just wanted you to be warned about Black. I don't think you should worry."
Hermione thought on that, knowing Remus loved careless people, those with a spark of spontaniety she was aware she did not possess. He liked people so very unlike her. Besides, she was starting to think she couldn't drag anyone through twenty years of her only being well, practically twenty.
"He does fancy me, but I'm starting to get the idea he should like someone else as well."
Severus merely nodded his head, seeming too confused to care.

Time Boat
FanfictionHermione ends up back in time, but not everything is as it seems when she melds into the old world in a different disguise than one would expect... especially Severus Snape.