Chapter 4 - Gathering of friends

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A/N:  Feel free to point out oopses but please leave thoughts on sections also.  I love both and want to know what others think.  If you don't I might make you wait for a time before the next chapter...

~~~ CACO – Casualty Assistants Calls Officer

Before the CACO reported to Jace's parents she reviewed the information the military had on his family. The parents were divorced, and the father was against any sort of mating between humans and supernatural. From what their records indicated the first woman in his life had ended up with a mate shortly before they were due to get married. He hadn't taken it well and became almost rabid against matings. Not against the supernatural, but mating with them. That was going to be an interesting visit. She was still going to need to inform him no matter what.

His mother was far less worried about it and her oldest girl ended up with a wolf mate and both had gone to the Academy. They'd graduated about a year and a half ago and was stationed aboard one of the space stations. She sent a request for emergency leave to their Officer in Charge due to the loss of her brother and his mate. His other sister had gone enlisted and had been on active service for several years. She was stationed Earth side which made it much easier to get her home. Again, she sent a request for emergency leave for Sarah. It was going to take about two days for everyone to arrive.

Due to that she delayed contacting the family. She wanted everyone home if possible. Once the orders were cut, she considered what the best way to inform everyone. After a great deal of consideration, she decided to start with their father and then inform his mom and sisters. She knew about Mila but that was already dealt with.

Before everyone was home, she contacted the pack the two wolves were members of, "Good morning, this is Lt. Olham and I need to talk to the Luna please. It's urgent and I'll explain it to her."

"Yes Ma'am, give me a moment." Her assistant contacted her and told her what she knew.

Moments later Lt. Olham was transferred over, "Good afternoon Lt. Olham. How may I help you?" She was rather curious since she had no idea what the call was about.

"Luna, I wish to request one of your elders accompany me to Jace and Janel's house. Jace and his mate Danal were lost in action and I assume having an elder with me will help Janel and Carie. They'll be there in the morning along with his youngest sister Sarah. It hasn't been mentioned but Lt. Holcum Whitewater was also lost in action. I know they were close and wish to have support for everyone there."

"Please call me Zoe. I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll send an Elder and an extra wolf so they both have someone to help. What time do you need them there?" This was horrible. The loss of three supernatural? It was almost shocking to hear. They'd howl later for everyone.

"I'll send you my address and if you can have them here about 10am I'd appreciate it. I have to inform his father before I inform his mother and sisters." She didn't bother explaining why since it didn't matter in this instance.

"I'll do that and will leave my morning clear in case I'm needed. I'll let you go and talk to the Alpha and several elders. Thank you for calling and it's a very good idea to have an Elder available for the two." She disconnected and lifted her face in a howl of loss. It was picked up by her mate and then the pack though they weren't sure why the Luna was howling out her loss.

The next morning Lt. Olham ensured her uniform was looking sharp and after checking, the priest and enlisted going with she climbed into a vehicle and set the location needed. When they arrived, they found it wasn't the nicest of apartment buildings. It wasn't bad but it was old, and the age showed.

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