Chapter 13

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The next day Liam, Zayn and I all walked into University. I was kind of dreading the day ahead because I hadn't done much studying during the weekend thanks to the date and then the cinema.

I walked up to my locker opening it and throwing some odd books in it. Slamming it shut I went to walk over to Liam when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled at the name which flashed on the screen.

Morning handsome ;) How we doing today? xx-H

Morning you! Fine how about you? xx-L

Good, good! Doing anything interesting? xx-H

No, just at my locker what about you? xx-L

Talking to this guy, he's very handsome, sweet, funny. Has a nice smile and eyes that you get lost in xx-H

Well he sounds great! :P xx-L

Yeah he's pretty awesome if you ask me! xx -H

Well the guy I'm talking to is ok I guess ;) xx -L

You just had to ruin it didn't you? :P xx-H

Oh you were talking about me? I was talking about someone else ^.^ xx -L

A minute passed and no reply came. I shrugged as I started walking towards Liam and then my phone buzzed continually in my hand. He's actually calling me?

"Hello?" I sung as I answered.

"Who's this guy you're talking to? Is he better looking than me? Is that it?" He asked frantically and I burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing? I'm actually worried here!" He exclaimed.

"You're an idiot! I was only joking!" I chuckled and then I heard him sigh in relief. "But I'm sure you already knew that, you just wanted to hear my angelic voice didn't you?" I teased.

"Alright you got me! Ni told me he saw you at the cinema. I was gutted." 

"Yeah! He's so nice do you have his number?" I smirked.

"You're dead to me!" He said and I laughed.

"Trust me I bet you can't go for an hour without talking to me!" I challenged since last night I spent most of the night speaking to him again.

"Ok deal!" 

"Fine then, if you loose you have to pay for my phone bill this month because at this rate it's going to be expensive and I'm a University student, you're a model." 

"Ok! Fine! I'll speak to you in an hour!" He chirped and then he hung up.

Shaking my head I finally reached Liam who was talking to Zayn. After they finished their little chat Zayn and I went to photography class. We sat down and the professor began the lesson. Everything was going fine, I was writing my notes down and passing a note to Zayn since the class was too quiet and we both felt like whispering to each other would break this odd silence.

Then I felt my phone buzz. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I pulled it out of my pocket and used my book to hide the phone as I saw Harry had sent me another message. I looked at the time and saw he only lasted thirty minutes. Smirking I opened the message and I felt my cheeks heat up.

I miss your voice already! This challenge wasn't fair I like talking to you :( xx -H

I knew you wouldn't manage it! Will ring you later though I'm in class xx -L

Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I wrote down a few more notes and answered to Zayn's question about who I was texting and when I told him it was Harry all he did was tease me about it after.

Today all the boys were busy during lunch. Liam was busy with a project and Zayn was surprisingly at the library. So that left me, all alone to go to the cafe across the street. I walked inside and ordered what I wanted then sat down at a table, opening the notes from photography class reading them over and highlighting the most important things.

Soon enough though I lost focus since the two girls who were sitting at the booth behind me started talking and their conversation caught my attention.

"I wonder who Harry Styles is dating at the minute. Did you see his tweet?" 

"Yeah I did. I bet it's another model! Oh my God, what if it's Niall?" The other said and they both burst out giggling.

"That would be so cute! Ok, ok. Let's just say that Harry wasn't dating a model and he was dating a normal boy, let's say from our University who do you think it would be?"

"I would say David Phillips he's really good looking!"

"Really? Honestly I would have to say....Louis Tomlinson! He seems like Harry's type." 

I almost choked on my coffee as I began coughing uncontrollably and I quickly grabbed my books and rushed out of the cafe. I shook my head still not believing what I heard as I dialed Harry's number and I felt like he was waiting next to his phone because he picked up immediately.

"You will not believe what just happened..." I began and then told him the story.

At the end of it he was laughing his head off and I was rolling my eyes at him which he unfortunately couldn't see.

"Aaw Lou it seems like we're meant to be!" He sang happily and I blushed as I scoffed at the phone.

"That girl's delusional." I mumbled.

"Don't be mean! She's right though you are my type." He said and my cheeks flushed an even deeper red.

"Now you're being delusional!" 

"Shy Lou is a mean Lou. I'll have to remember that."

"I'm not mean." I pouted.

"If you're not mean then let's hang out today!" He exclaimed.

"You always ask me out at the weirdest times." I chuckle. "It makes no sense!" 

"I make no sense, you make no sense! Let's frickle frackle!" Harry said.

"What!?" I gushed. "Was that supposed to be a pick up line?" I said trying not to laugh.

"Yeah! Did it work? Did I woo you?" He wondered.

"No! I'm scared of you now." I laughed.

"Does that mean I have to start stalking you?" He wondered and my eyes widened.

"No! What is even wrong with you?" I exclaimed.

"When I talk to you my mind goes fuzzy! I don't know what I'm saying!" 

"You should go get that checked out then! You might be going insane! I don't do insane!" I said amused.

"Just talked to the doctor, he said that I have a bad case of I'm crushing on you!" He mused and I blushed.

"Oh boy! This is never ending!" 

"Nope but hey! That was a much better pick up line!" He mused.

"Barely." I muttered

 "So shall we meet at the park at let's say six?" Harry asked. I sighed but nodded.

"Fine! But I'm bringing hand cuffs just in case!" 

"Ooh kinky! I like that." He said huskily.

"What!? No!! It's so I can hand cuff you to a bench if you're being creepy!" I frantically said but he had already hung up.

Photographer (Larry) -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now