Perseus Riddle

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Sorry I was being so lazy for like five months

Percy had fallen asleep on the couch, in Sally 's arms, and now he couldn't seem to get the kink in his neck to go away. When he finally made  himself get up and stagger to the bathroom, it was already 2:00pm. Sally had let him sleep, knowing he really needed it.

Now he sat staring out the window, nibbling a blue cookie, but not truly enjoying it like he used to. Sally tried to make him eat more but his appetite seemed to have halved after all that had happened to him.

Percy was in denial, he had no life to return to at Camp Halfblood, except for being heralded as a hero and retaking most of high school did not look appealing at all.

He could run away to Australia and live there in peace for the rest of his life. But that idea seemed less appealing than either of the other options.
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Harry was pissed. Really pissed. Why? Because Ron was flaunting his new broom and prefect badge. Though Harry didn't care much for the broom, as he had a much better one, he cared a little too much about the badge. Ginny noticed but didn't say anything and instead began writing a letter to her boyfriend, which only aggravated Harry more. All this plus the anger at Ron and Hermione for not answering his letters, set Harry at a tipping point. Either he calms down and sweeps it all under the metaphorical rug, or something causes him to explode. Dumbledore chose the second option for him.

After dinner Dumbledore asked for Harry to stay for the Order meeting, Ron protested, but Hermione figured Harry would tell them later and dragged him upstairs, muttering about how immature he is.

"I was looking at the Black family tree this morning, and I noticed a name near the top. It was Tom Marvalo Riddle, or Voldemort." Dumbledore paused and everyone gasped.

"How could he have a family, he killed mine. HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO HAVE A FAMILY!" There it was, the explosion, can you say atom bomb.

"Harry calm down, honey." Mrs. Weasly said gently. Harry's mind was clouded with rage, this is the worst day ever!

Dumbledore ignored his outburst and continued, "I followed his name down, and there it was, the name of his daughter, our very own Sally Jackson. Well, I guess it's Sally Riddle now." At this point everybody but Harry gasped louder.

Sally Jackson? Who's that? And why do all the adults know her?

"Sally Jackson? Do you mean the sweet girl from Hufflepuff that was nice everyone? I don't believe it, there's no way she was the daughter of Voldemort this whole time!" Sirius exclaimed.

"It's true, but we all know Sally is unlike her father, she couldn't have faked being kind for seven years. Even if Voldemort managed to turn her to his side, she would not have been such a threat, she was always was rather weak. But the issue here is that she has a son. A very powerful son. He's already seventeen, but I believe it would be smart to take him to Hogwarts for his seventh year. Just so we can make sure he doesn't turn to the Death Eaters.

He's probably already evil!

"Dumbledore, what is the boy's name?" Mr.Weasly asked.

"Perseus Riddle."

So sorry again, if anyone actually cares, I had to take a bunch of tests to get into this "Highly Gifted" school. But honestly, if they let me in, you have to wonder who really qualifies for this highly gifted category.

Also I'm just gonna pretend that Percy's relation to Voldemort actually makes sense. 

But anyway, I'm gonna start updating more often since SUMMER BREAK IS FINALLY HERE!!!#!###
So yeah.

~Prachi <3 :)

PS If you're a reader, and you actually like this book, THANK YOU!

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