The Carnage

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Percy and Annabeth lay together upon the blood and monster dust soaked field, Annabeth in Percy's arms, and the battle dying down around them. But neither of the two noticed. Because one was dying as well. Gaea had sapped the life from Annabeth, and she was so weak that it was hard to siphon enough energy to make herself take a shallow breath. All the trauma and injuries from Tartarus came rushing back to her and made her even weaker. There was no ambrosia or nectar was left in the camp infirmary and there was nothing Percy or anyone could do to save her. He watched a tear rolled down her cheek, leaving a streak on all blood and grime on her face. "Percy, it hurts, so much"

"I know, but we both gotta keep going, just for a little bit, then I'll take you to Apollo so he can heal you. Please just hold on a bit longer?"

I can't, Percy please, end it"

"No! Annabeth, Wise Girl please,"

"I'm so sorry."

She them leaned up and kissed him, full of passion and love, and as Percy closed his eyes, she picked up her dagger and made a slit in her own neck,and fell back down to Percy's lap, dead.

Percy opened his eyes, "Annie? Annabeth?" He shook her gently, "No no no, come on wake up Annabeth! Wise girl." His voice cracked. A dam inside of him, holding back all the anger and hate,and power, broke. He closed his eyes feeling it spread though him and stood up.

"Oh, did you lose your little girlfriend, boy?" Gaea taunted, smirking.

Percy said nothing and started walking towards Gaea with his head bowed.

"That's right little boy, bow down to me."

Percy still said nothing, but when he neared Gaea he looked up. She shrieked when she saw his eyes. The eyes that were once so beautiful were now shattered and swirled with sorrow and hate. They suddenly dilated and turned completely black, promising death, and she stumbled back, tripping and falling to the ground.

"That's right, bow down to me," he mocked. He thrust his hands out and... something, a force of some kind hit her harder than a bulldozer, and started ripping her apart, tearing at her very soul. He laughed.

He didn't stop, even after he sensed her fade, until Percy, the real Percy that had been buried underneath all that power, realized what he was doing and immediately stopped. Falling to his knees he let out a dry sob, screaming. Everyone else who had seen the encounter looked on with sadness, they screamed in unison with him, showing all the pent up agony inside, they screamed for their friends as they died, and they screamed for their hero who had lost his love.

War was a terrible and horrible thing. Just blood, carnage, and death.

Hey again thx for reading, and I hope you liked it

(To Note)
I will not be having DA in my book
It will be set in the fifth year
Percy and Draco get along
Yes, Harry will be a stuck up, obnoxious git
The HP parts are coming soon... enough

Fred will be alive as well as Sirius and pretty much anyone else that died originally.

All characters are owned by either Rick Riordan or J.K Rowling. The only thing I own is the plot.

 The only thing I own is the plot

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Word Count: 591

Edit: so I just realized this is hella short.  Welp, sorry I guess.

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