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Third POV
It was 6:00 in the morning, as everyone  in fairytail was already at the guild with bags of supplies, to go searching.

" I'm sooo tired!" Natsu yawned, with eyes slightly opened

" this is not the time, Natsu." Lucy muttered

" jeez, before you used to say this." Natsu replied

" well, some people, change." Lucy turned around from packing to face him.

" yeah, well not for the better it seems." Natsu grumbled softly, but Lucy could still hear him

She was going to say something before she realized he had walked away.

" man, was I too harsh?" She asked her self silently

She then shook her head and went back to work.

Soon everyone was done packing and was pretty much heading out of the guild to go to their location.

With Juvia and gray.~
The sun had started to shine making it a bit more easier to see.

Gray saw juvia's full stature in front of him, so he ran up with a question.

" hey Juvia, I wanted to ask you something but I forgot to ask earlier." Gray asked solemnly

Juvia turned her head to him and asked " what is it?"

" I want to know, where did you guys go, when you went to train, cause the guys and I searched everywhere." Gray asked looking directly in juvia's dark blue eyes.

" oh! Um we were, we were..." Juvia stuttered rembering that she promised the moms that they would tell anyone about them or the other dimensions.

" it's fine if you can't tell me..." gray sighed

" no, we were moving to different places to train!" Juvia said quickly

" well I guess that makes sense." Gray replied

Eventually gray just dropped it as the two continued the journey.

The sun had finally risen, as the teams were halfway there to the destination.

With Lucy and natsu~
Team "nalu" was already into the forest, passing giant boulders and 35 ft trees.

While walking behind natsu and happy who were obviously enjoying themselves, Lucy thought about what she had said to Natsu earlier with the phrase ringing in her head " well not for the better.."

Lost in focus Lucy didn't realize that natsu and happy were shouting out her name.

" Lucy. Lucy!" Natsu shouted

" huh?" Lucy shook her head.

" jeez Lucy, it's not like you to just space out like that, are you ok?" Happy Asked

" oh yea I'm fine, let's get going." Lucy smiled trying to reassure the two

" okay what ever you say." Natsu shrugged

They continued to walk when natsu ended up bumping into some large metal tank of some sort.

" hey Lucy we've found something!" Natsu shouted

" really? Where?!" Lucy said rushing towards him.

The moment she looked up her eyes widened.

" N-Natsu, whatever you do, do not go in their I need to contact the others as well as Erza and Mira." Lucy said quickly removing her backpack

Soon she took out her communicator.

She immediately dialed which connected her to Mira and Erza, as well as the other teams.

" guys, you won't believe it, but I think we've found the nirvana!" Lucy said

" that's not possible cause we found it." Juvia replied

" no you didn't cause we did." Wendy said

" you all are wrong we found it." Levy said

"Hold on a moment, you guys all found it? How is that possible you guys aren't even in the same area!" Erza shouted in shock

" well that doesn't matter now, we will have to destroy each and every one!" Mira spoke

" will do!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Soon Lucy hanged up, telling Natsu what had happened

Alright here we go, "fire dragon roar!"  Natsu bellowed destroying at least half of the machine

Mine turn: "Celestial arrows!" Lucy said shouted launching dark purple with yellow stars arrows at the machine

As the dust cleared up they realized the thing had regenerated

"What the?" Natsu stared

Fine then, " fire dragon wing attack!" Natsu screeched

Not giving it any time, Lucy shouted: " Celestial Spears: 1000!"

" fire!" Lucy yelled as the arrows flew directly towards it.

Finally the dust cleared up, and once again it didn't work.

"Fine time to pull out the big guns!" Natsu glared at the hulking metal beast.

"Hey natsu, maybe we should do a unison raid." Lucy slightly panted

" got it." Natsu smirked

Celestial range: mega cannon!

Fire dragon: king's demolition!

Fire and celestial unison raid!

And hopefully for the last time the dust cleared up, and finally the machine was destroyed into dust.

" great job Natsu/ Lucy!" He two smirked at each other before they both passed out of sheer exhaustion.

Ok guys, I'm soooo sorry I didn't post on Wednesday,( please don't kill meh.) unfortunately we are at the end of a marking period in my school system so we only have a minimum amount of time to get your grades up, and well I was making up work, as well as the fact that I caught an awful cold.

Anyways enough ranting, I just want y'all to know that I'm sorry, and that 6 will hopefully be out on Sunday...


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