Special jerza scene

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Third POV in a park

There on a park bench Erza sat, gazing at the beautiful sunset.

" so peaceful." Erza thought, smiling on the inside

She had came to the park, for rest and relaxation, thanks to cana's drinking competition.

Taking in fresh breaths of air, Erza got up and walked over to the nearby ice cream shop.

Making her way to the not so busy shop she ordered a strawberry sorbet.

" that will be 2 jewels miss." Said the man running the shop

Soon Erza pat her pockets, soon realizing she left it at the bar in the guildhall.

" damn it." Erza cursed in her minded

She was going to ask them to throw it out and take her walk of shame back to the guildhall when a familiar voice spoke up.

" no worries I'll pay for her." Said the voice

Soon Erza turned around seeing the all to familiar face, it was jellal.

Jellal handed the man the money, as the man handed Erza the sorbet, soon the two walked away.

" thanks jellal." Erza slightly blushed, taking a small spoonfuls.

" your welcome, how come you aren't at the guildhall?" Jellal asked facing the redhead

" I left, wanting to get some peace and quiet." Erza said replying nonchalantly

" same reason for me." Jellal chuckled

They continued the stroll, talking, laughing, basically enjoying themselves till they got to the park.

Sitting down in an empty bench, with only small bits of light peeking out of the horizon, streetlights turning on.

Still chatting about random things, slight breezes passed

" jeez it's kinda cold, why did I decided to where this dress?" Erza questioned herself, looking at her dark red floral dress.

Soon jellal removed his jacket, placing it on Erza shoulders who had just looked up at him.

" thanks." Erza slightly smiled

" no problem." Jellal replied

The two looked away from each other, silence taking over

Soon jellal turned around, simply saying " Erza, can i ask you something?"

" sure, what is it?" Erza asked, facing him

" during the battle, you said all that matters is that they forgave them, so I wanna ask, do you forgive me for all that I've put you through?" Jellal asked

Erza simply smiled and said " Jellal, of course I will and I always have, you been there for me during tough times and that is why I will never forget you."

Jellal stayed silent.

" well I have to get going, it's getting dark and I'm kinda sleepy." Erza yawned standing up from her seat.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" Jellal asked standing up as well.

" sure." Erza replied

Once again the two walked, still talking, enjoying themselves.

Upon arrival, jellal stopped Erza.

" wait Erza, I.." Jellal trailed off with

" you need something?" Erza asked turning around, her eyes staring into his

" Erza I wanted to say is, I love you, and I was hoping we could be more than friends!" Jellal answered, blushing madly

" Jellal, i love you too, I always have, but you have a fiancé.." Erza replied

" yea about that, I lied.." Jellal sighed

Erza was jaw dropped.

" well then that changes everything doesn't it?" Erza said walking towards him.

Without warning, she placed a kiss on his lips, then smiled  saying " I would love to be more than just friends."

She then ran inside, Jellal shortly walking away.

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