A Million Pieces

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You know that one fragile thing you have in your house?
It has some special meaning to you, so you keep it on display.
One day it gets knocked, causing it to smash into pieces on the floor.
You then hate yourself for leaving it out and as it lays on the floor,
One half is to your right, the other on your left.
It breaks you to have been so stupid, so blind,
Even if it was just an accident.
As a tear threatens to spill, you start picking up the pieces,
Which is not a beautiful sight, yet something that is desperately needed.
You find the form of what it used to be and start glueing,
Desperation in your eyes, the hope that it will be okay.
As you wait for it to dry, you think,
How could you have let this happen?
Will it ever be the same?
You frown as you look at the mess longingly,
The object was fixed, yet there was a visible difference.
With the cracks barely catching your eye, you put it back where it belongs,
But now with more protection, it is guarded.
As it gets knocked again, the cracks become more visible.
As you carry on with life, the cycle continues;
Safe, smashed, then fixed,
And every time it looked different.
There became more protection every time something gets to it.
Eventually you get to a point where you don't know if you can even piece it back together,
No glue could help you now.
The broken pieces were kept for memories,
Ones you struggle to revisit.

Love breaks people. The heart is a fragile object, that breaks. Every time that it is broken, walls are put up to protect the heart and the emotions that come with it. Eventually, it gets broken too many times to fix. At this point the person has an icy touch to them, something they can't help. People will try to fix it, try to change them back, and one day something might click in them. Something to replace their full heart. Although, the person is never truly the same because people change and a replacement is never the same as the original. Everything happens for better, or for the worst.

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