The One

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You could see the girl was broken,
Her smile wasn't as wide and her eyes didn't shine as bright.
The world had been the one to break her,
Nothing else, yet she tried to stay strong around people.
She faked her happiness so that people couldn't see through her act,
So that people genuinely thought she wasn't effected,
So that people thought she was genuinely fine,
But she wasn't.
Everyone thought she was ok, except me.
Although, the one thing I came to notice was at some points it was true,
She didn't fake her happiness around you.
Her eyes lit up when she saw you,
Her smile was from ear to ear.
She was genuinely happy,
But it was only with you.

Certain people can make others happy, whether it's in their worst moments or not, it's always a certain someone. This only works if the person effected doesn't shut the world out whilst they are at a low. If you are that person, you need to stick by them and if they try to push you away, don't go. Don't go because in reality, all people want is for someone to stay. They push people away in hope that someone will fight against them, in hope that someone will stay, in hope that the person will stay by there side like they always did. Don't be the one who leaves just because you were told to. Fight for it, and if they don't accept it then you'll know to walk away. You'll know when to walk, trust me.

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