The Ghost

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Everyone has friends,
And then there's me.
I'm running around, going out of my way,
To do errands for people who treat me like shit.
Who am I to you?
Because I feel as though no one really cares.
I'm treated like a doll,
And I should not even be here.
The world has look at me differently, all of recent,
Or is it me? Have I been seeing blind all along?
Because who doesn't love being ignored?
Or treated like a nobody?
People need to see what I see,
To see that you're bullshit,
I staring me right in the face.
Why am I even here?
Because there is no point,
And guess what?
The house that felt empty,
Is that of now...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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