Eyes are Windows

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I sat at the table watching as the worker replaced my window.
It was a beautiful window.
The window was made with stained glass,
Alike to something one would see in a church,
Yet this was more beautiful than any other.
It was the reason I bought this house.
I continue to watch the colours of the window fade,
And by fade I mean disappear.
No colour, just plain.
With the window smashing, the stained glass picture couldn't be restored.
All the colour had gone.
The sun had always shone down onto that window,
And yet it still does, but it is not the same.
The room used to be filled with many colours,
Now it is plain.
I feel as though the window wasn't the only thing that broke that day.

It is said that eyes are the window to the soul. You look into someone's eyes and you can see their thoughts and emotions. Teachers always tell their students to give them eye contact, which leaves many in a habit, both good and bad. Whilst you look into someone's eyes, they see yours. They see your vulnerability, everything about you can be read. When people are broken on the inside, a light that shines in their eyes is missing. Their stain glass windows get replaced with ones that are plain, replacing something extraordinary with something ordinary. As the light discontinues to shine, you know something is wrong. Something is broken, and it's not just the windows.

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