~ Chapter 12 ~

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It has been a week and it was Saturday meaning I get to hang out with Aaron today. I'm so freaking excited but also terrifying because I've thought about it and I decided that I have to tell Aaaron about the strings. He was bound to find out one way or another so why not with me telling him today?
Everything's going to be fine and he will believe me.....Right?
"Mom! I'm going to Aaron's place to hang out, I'll be back later tonight, okay?!"
"Okay honey! Have fun and good luck with telling him.!!"
wait a minute, how'd she know I was going to tell him?
"How'd you know I was going to tell him mom?! I screamed from downstairs with awe.
" I could see it with the look on your face, you looks like you're going to miss something big!" Mom screams back down.
" oh, okay.. Well then, I'm going to go now! Bye! " I walk outside and start to walk to my bike.

Soon after I was already at Aaron's house and I was as nervous as ever. How do I say it?

I ring the door bell and almost immediately the door swings open and Aaron welcomes me with a big smile and a bear-like hug.
The string was warming up again. He welcomes me in and we go upstairs to his room where the gaming console is and we start to play random games and we do that for the the beginning of the day while chatting about random stuff. The string was at the same warm temperature which made me relax a bit thinking about telling him.
Maybe he'll be fine with it?.
It was now mid day and we decided to go watch a movie in the living room. He decided to watch a horror which I was totally okay with since I don't get scared very easily. Once the movie started I realised that the string was getting colder.
Is Aaron scared of the movie?
I look over to him and he had his knees up to his chin hugging them too and his eyes looked as if he had seen a real ghost and not the movie ghost. It was kinda funny. I guess I didn't realise that I chuckled out loud since the next thing I knew was that he was staring straight at me with a death glare. Which I found seriously cute. The string was starting to heat up again which made me happy.
"Are you scared of the movie?" I asked with a smirk on my face.
"What, nooooo, no, not at all. What about you?" He asked with a tint of fright in his voice.
"no." I answered instantly which made him laugh.
" Aaron?" I say with a bit of concern in my voice.
"yeah?" I guess he noticed that I was concerned since he looked at me with a worried look on his face.
"After the movie I have to tell you something really important and I hope you'll believe me." I say with even more concern. It's basically sending waves of concern off of my body. The string goes cold, ice cold. It makes me shiver.
"o-okay.." He says with worry in his voice. The string isn't helping much either since I can feel how worried he his.

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I'm sorry it took so long for me to update, I am kinda going through some personal stuff and it occupied my mind and I forgot to update. Sorry 🙏
Anyway, thank you all so much for reading this chapter of Strings of Fate. I really appreciate it.

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