~ Chapter 6 ~

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~Chapter 6~
(photo of Aaron in media)

-at school-

I was now in my seat ready for class.
"Hey Kimi!, you ready for hell to start?" She asked.
"Never was, never will." I answered quickly because Mr.Laxus had just walked in.
"Okay class, let's get seated and begin, shall we?" He mumbled.

I had decided not to wear my glasses today so that I could see all the strings forming and all the strings that were already there.

"Hey Kimiko. Do you understand the work?" I heard a slight whisper from my right side, I look over and see Aaron with a cute smile on his face, the rainbow string doesn't hurt me anymore but I still wonder if he might be hiding something, because other people don't usually feel anything when it comes to the strings but when the string formed it hurt me but he also looked like he was in pain...
Wait, maybe he can see it too.? I wonder...
Nahh probably not.
"Uh, yes I do understand, why?" I whisper back.
"No I- I don't know -understand it, could you maybe help me with it. Please?"
I giggle because who wouldn't think that was adorable, like come on he even made a pout face after saying please, how can I say no to that?
"Sure Aaron, I wouldn't mind helping you, just text me when and where, okay?" I answer with a slight smile.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you " he whisper-yelled. He looked like he was going to jump up and hug me but unfortunately we are in class and that would be a bit embarrassing , hehe. I could feel his excitement somehow because of the string, wich is strange, I have never been able to feel what they were feeling but I guess since it's a new string, there's new possibilities. It's kinda cool though.

Soon enough it was lunch time and we were sitting outside under a tree we discovered when walking around. I couldn't stop thinking about how Aaron felt so exited, why did he feel so exited? It was just me helping a friend, right?
Soon enough Aaron came running up to Rose and me.
"Guys! Guess what?"
"You're pregnant? Well done Aaron." Rose said and I couldn't help but burst out in laughter.
"What-no I'm a dude" I felt a sense of confusion from him but he was still exited.
"Kimi, you haven't met Jace yet, have you?"
"Uhh, no. Why?"
"Well he is my best friend and I asked him if he wanted to join us for lunch and he said he'll come."He was very exited, I wonder where they're string is for him to get this exited. It's kinda cute how he is so exited.
"I see him! Hey! Over here Jace!"
I see a blonde fairly handsome dude run towards us.
"Hey, I'm Jace, nice to meet you Kimiko, I've heard a lot about you from Aaron." I was confused by that statement, Aaron had an embarrassed feeling and smacked Jace on the head . Which made me laugh.
"Hey Rosy~~" Jace said in a sort of cute voice and sat next to Rose, I guess I know who he likes. Rose had a shade of blush on her face, wait no that's not make-up, She is actually blushing. From that I could instantly see that they like each other.
"Hey Jace" As they kept talking I noticed the Blue string connected to their hearts, meaning I know now why Aaron was so exited, Jace is like a brother to him.

Thanks for reading this chapter of Strings of Fate 😊 Hope you enjoyed it.

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