Hans: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After removing all but my undershirt and pants, I trudged toward the tree line. The vines hung low as I pushed threw them. I heard birds chirping above me, the sound was familiar. It felt good to be back home...even if I didn't know where home was.

After whet felt like hours I began to see the castle in the distance. It was exactly as I remembered. A huge blue and tan castle with polished marble. It had three tall towers, each with balconies. The gate was closed, at least from what I could see. I knew I had to be close to the village.

Walking, a little faster now, I began to see people. Thank God... I looked down at my clothes which were still drenched from the water. They were muddy and dirty. As I passed the commoners everyone stared at me. They didn't say a word. Did they know already? If so, my parents would kick me out of the kingdom. I'd be shamed.

"Watch where you're going!" Someone yelled from behind me. Suddenly a giant white horse came running past me. A girl with bleach blonde hair was riding it. Her long locks flowed in the wind. I jumped out of the way just in time. The blonde slowed the horse and hopped off.

"Do you always walk in the middle of the road?" She asked walking over to me.

"Umm, no..." I said politely.

"Kitty," she said reaching out her hand. Did she not know who I was?

"Tom," I whispered. I didn't want anyone to know I was back until my parents saw me. Hopefully she wouldn't find out I was lying.

"You look really familiar! Do you ever go to the tavern down the road?" She asked pointing down the street. I shook my head.

"Oh well, I'll figure it out later I guess! Where you headed?"

"Umm, the castle," I hesitated. She lifted her eyebrows and laughed.

"Ooo, have an important meeting with the Queen?" She giggled even louder. I nodded and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, good luck with that, Tom," she patted me on the shoulder, "If you're looking for something to do tonight, go to the town festival!" She winked as she walked back to her horse. She looked back on least time before she took off down the street. Kitty...what an interesting girl.

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