Hans: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sitting in the carriage I straightened my suit jacket. My brothers Adam, Peter, and Quincy were in my carriage. The other nine brothers were in other carriages.

"How was Arendelle, brother?" Adam asked.

"Awful, I was attacked by the queen. I was almost killed!" I exclaimed. My brothers faces were in shock.

"Sorry to hear that..." Quincy said looking out the window. I heard trumpets begin to play from outside the carriage.

"Introducing...The Thirteen Princes!" Someone announced from the street. My older brothers exited the carriage first then it was my turn. I got out and waved around to all the people. I'm guessing they weren't expecting me back because of the giant screams I heard.

"Looks like you're popular," Peter whispered buttoning his suit jacket. I nodded and smiled.

My father got in front of the whole crowd. He said, "Please! Enjoy the festival! In honor of thirteen sons finally home together again!" He looked right at me. I gave him a slight nod.

I wanted to find Kitty. Her bleach blonde hair shouldn't be that hard to find.

"Brother, where are you going?" Quincy asked as I started walking toward the tavern.

"I'm going to mingle, isn't what this is all about?" I laughed walking faster. I hoped not to get stopped by anymore people.

I slowly opened the small wooden door. There she was. Dancing on the bar. She was wearing a teal blue dress, no shoes, and he hair was braided. I stood against the wall and stared at her. The music from a man playing guitar was heard from the corner of the building.

"Another round, sir!" She yelled hopping off the bar. She grabbed the drink from the man behind the bar and chugged it. She began laughing then suddenly she turned and faced me.

"Tom!" She exclaimed running over to me.

"Hi, Kitty," I laughed catching her.

"Wow, you're all dressed up..." She said standing back, looking at me up and down, "want a drink?" I nodded slightly and walked over to the bar. Luckily everyone else in the bar was too drunk to recognize me.

"Two, Al!" Kitty said loudly. The man put two big pints in front of us. I held it up to her but she was already chugging away. I laughed and sipped mine.

"Shit!" She coughed. She looked down at her dress, "My parents would kill me if they saw I ruined one of my best dresses...Will you come to my house with me? So I can change?" I nodded and set my drink down.

"Thanks, Al!" She yelled running out the tavern pulling me along.

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