Hans: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The gates were closed. I looked up at the gate keeper and tried to get his attention. He just stared at me. I looked like a dirty commoner not a prince.

"It me!" I yelled, "Hans!!!" The guard looked down again. Suddenly the gate began to open. I walked slowly to the doors of the castle. But then I was met by tons of servants. They must've seen me walk in through the windows.

"Prince Hans! What happened to you?!" The maids yelled.

"I'm fine, I need to see my parents," I said pushing through them.

"They are in the great hall!" I walked through the doors and under a huge marble arch.

"Father!" I exclaimed running to my parents. They were sitting in their thrones preparing for a meeting.

"Hans! Are you okay?!" My mother cried running over to me. Maybe they didn't know about Arendelle...at least not yet.

"Princess Anna and Queen Elsa were so hospitable...then suddenly Elsa turned evil. She has ice powers! She turned the whole kingdom into ice! She attacked me, I was lucky I got out of there alive!" I huffed holding my heart. I was never one for acting but I was almost convinced myself.

"Son, we need to do something!" Father said sternly.

"No!" That was loud, "Elsa is too dangerous, she killed Princess Anna!" My parents gasped.

"Well son, we will figure out what to do! Until then go get cleaned up. We have to make an appearance at the festival tonight," my mother said softly. Maybe I would see Kitty after all.

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