1st part

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California 2019

Joel's p.o.v

Today is our choreographer' s wedding day,so we boys has planned to go together as today we got our day off actually we have a whole week of cause we have to go for world tour next week."hey joel go get ready man and don't get too handsome cause this time I want all the attention of the girls " Chris said.
"Don't worry man I have no intentions but if girls comes to me that's not my fault "I said.
"Oh please just get out and be ready I'll go get other boys "
He said and left our room cause we share same room,he's always excited to meet girls . I took a shower and changed my clothes and as I see in the mirror I'm sure nobody's getting any attention today 😂. I make my way to lobby where all the boys were waiting."and here comes the Prince charming getting all charmed " Chris said.
"Don't call me that l told you I don't like fairytales they're far from reality ".
"Sweeten up man he's just messing around ,you know he's all excited to meet girls " zabdial said he's always the one who sorts the things between boys and is very chill ."yeah man now let's go or we won't be able to see any girls if wedding gets over " Erick said, he's my bestie and I trust him the most among all the boys.And we made our way to the wedding.

Christopher p.o.v
Oh man looks like either we're too early or too late cause besides groom and his old relatives there are no girls and as  i look around I see food corner so that's ok for now I can wait for girls but not for food and as I made my way to the food stalls joel stops me "man wedding is yet to be start and you can't go eat all of it "
"Oh see bride has arrived and so as bridesmaids " Erick said winking at me.my true mate."fine lets go to that pathetic ritual just for the sake of food and girls", I said making all of us laugh.I know no one from us is that innocent in the matter of girls except Joel the great who has been single is his entire life,how's that even possible I'm sure he has to be something else then a human."why are you staring at me dumbass "joel said as I shrug my thoughts and as I'm unable to think of anything sarcastic at the moment I changed the topic."Hey guys look at those girls with bride aren't they're cute " saying more to myself then to them as I see a girl in gorgeous red dress actually they all wearing same dress but she's slaying more.

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