part 3

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Joel's p.o.v

I really don't know what to do as soon as vows had been completed she started to ran ,I couldn't stop myself as I stand up,"oh so here it goes fucking love story,what ya waiting for dumbass go behind her "Richard said.and every one nodded.

I didn't think much before running after her,and I saw another girl running after her as I pass by her "oh I thought you'll take forever for going after her ,anyways I'm her friend rose "she said.I'm Joel I said keep running and as soon I said my name her jaw dropped as she stood there froze but I didn't stop until I saw the one I'm running after sitting on the sore of what it seems like lake.

As soon as she saw me her eyes went wide as she gasped "o oh god "she said
"I'm sorry it was an accident I didn't mean it,m my tongue slipped "she continued ,I don't know what to do or say as her beautiful face left me speechless "hey I'm talking to you "she said weaving her hands in front of me.
" y yeah ...I ..I came by to  s..see if you're ok cause you ran suddenly ,a..are you o..ok " was all I could say while still struggling.

"y Yeah  I..I'm fine " she smiled a bit,oh gosh her smile is breathtaking .

"Do you mind if I sit there " i said and smiled and nodded,as I sat next to her.
"Hi we haven't met properly yet  ,I'm Joel "
"I'm Katherine or Kathy "
"Wait are you the same Joel who's in cnco?"she said,sounding bit surprised.
"Yeah I am "
"Oh actually my whole group of friends are your fans and they all talk about you but I didn't knew you ,so actually they were making me watch every episode of la banda next Sunday "she said .
"Well now you know me personally but I'm flattered "I smiled.watching her blush a little.
"Uh maybe they're looking for me so I think I should go ,but nice to meet you joel "she said.

"Yeah I'll come with you "i said and can't help but blush .And she nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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