part 2

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Joel's p.o.v

"Hey guys see those girls with bride aren't they're cute " Chris said as I move to see in that direction ,holy shit he's right for the first time since we met ,my eyes glued to the girl standing beside the bride and she looks more than just pretty in that red dress ,I don't know what's happening but I can't stop but stare and that's when our eyes met and now we both staring at each other ,and that's when suddenly she said "I do "looking at me everybody started laughing except me of course and I see her face turning into dark shade of red as she apologize and looked away from me."oh man what a scene is it some kind of romcom "Richard said ."she's totally into you joel you should really make a move or I will "Erick said ."yeah man my eyes are already on the other girl but I did not see that coming she said I do looking at you " Chris said."chill guys she probably slipped her tongue or something not a big deal "I said knowing that what they're saying is right but that's totally unbelievable how could a beautiful girl like that can do that stupidity because of me though I like it somewhat but I'm still confused.

Kathy's p.o.v.

I made my way to the aisle and bride and groom are taking their vows as I see In the audience I usually hate going to the social gatherings but here I'm the bridesmaids so can't do anything also shout out to rose for literally  dragging me to this Shit,holy shit I gasp as I saw this guy in tux among the group of all the handsome guys but he's totally something else,oh god he's staring at me I just realized and I can't help but stare back and I totally forgot about everything just him and his brown eyes that keeping me distracted as I heard vows enchanting through my ears and suddenly I don't know how words came out of my mouth effortlessly "I do " as I realized what I just did it's too late everybody is laughing except him."you gotta be kidding me "rose said whispering through my ears as I started apologizing out of embarrassment,god why me,no no why now ,why like this you could've choose other way to embarrass me besides in front of him as I'm fighting with god in my mind I see him saying something to the other boys he's sitting with and they all stopped laughing suddenly.I started running from the aisle with my brand new red face.everything started fading as I heard rose coming towards me but suddenly sound of heels changed with sounds of man's shoes as I stop at the shore of the lake jaw dropped as I turned to see who's behind me.

Author's note

Hey guys👋 this is first fan fiction and it about cnco since I'm one of biggest cncowner 😍and I hope you all like it 🙌.pardon me for any mistakes and enjoy reading and do comment please it'll keep me motivated to write more ❤

Love you all ❤

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