Chapter 1

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"hi mum,hey dad" i said going down the stairs "hey honey"my parents said "where going to the states so we have to live you" i was used it so i just nodded 

"you could go to the audition for BIG HIT to pass time"they said "sure"i said happy but nervous. "bye mum and dad"

Having the house to my self i went to go get ready for the audition,i took a shower and wore m clothes and got into my car

make up

make up

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when i went into the building the audition already started so i quickly signed up,when my name was called i went to the front and started singing

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when i went into the building the audition already started so i quickly signed up,when my name was called i went to the front and started singing

and danced (1:48)

everyone was shocked and in awe "so did i get in?" i asked"y-yes"the man said "yay,go out side and met your manager"the man said i bowed and ran to the door,when i went out i saw a man and a woman they greeted me and i introduced my self "hello my name is yuna nice to met you" i smiled showing them my dimples "AAAAA cute"they yelled "lets go met pd-min and sign your contract" "ok" i said going with them

we stopped at a door and walked in i saw a man who i instantly know was pd-min,he smiled at me and said "hello yuna,welcome to big hit, how are you?" i smiled back and said "i am fine thank you" "good,well here is your contract just sign it and where done but first do yo want to be a solo,duo or group?" "can i be two things?" "hmm,yes you may" yay "i want to be a solo and group" "ok,just sign the contract and we can met your members" i signed it and left to met my new members i was nervous but happy

when i walked in i saw 5 girls 

sorry cliffhanger

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sorry cliffhanger

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