Chapter2. Home

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Familiar sounds came through, the sound of wind playing through the trees, of birds waking up, of boots on wood.

Huh.. my old room, my old home, when I lived with Leen.

I sat up as the sound of footsteps got closer, clenching my old pillow, hugging it to my chest, wishing that this all was real..

"hay there kiddo"  Leen, with her usual smile, the same old Leen, the woman that saved me, the one that literally got me of the street, the one who gave me a home, a hope, showing me what trust looks like, turning me from a beggar to a fighter, the closest thing to a mother that I have ever had.

She came in grabbing  a chair, setting it in front of my bed, sitting legs spread, elbows on knees.

Never changing.

banging the back of my head on the wall I croaked "god I hate this dream"

"what?" shock and confusion replaced the smile on Leen's face.

"this dream, this dream! I'll wake up after a few minutes! And go back to that hell!  Leen I miss you! god I want this to be real, but it's not, it's just another dream"

"no, no it's not! ,Selvea this is not a dream! This is real" she was leaning closer now, shaking, afraid.

"I can't believe it!, I can't , and If I did, I'll just wake up and it will hurt all over again" my voice broke as I said it, pine flooding through, tears running down my face, heart breaking.

"no you won't! Selvea look at me! This is not a dream you have woken up, your safe, your home, this is real!" she was standing now, almost yelling, her voice pined, not what you would expect from an old commandeer.

Shaking my head, tears running down my face, "no its not!, my Leen had green eyes, almost graying hair,  dark under eyes from lack of sleep, -god that woman never sleeps- not red eyes, and clear skin" I can understand why I would imagine her with clear skin, but the red eyes were new.

"Selvea" her voice was filled with hurt, so much hurt that it broke my already broken  hart.

"Selvea I'm sorry, but I swear it to you this is not a dream, I really did find you, Selvea I promise" desperation showed in leen's face.

I lifted my hand to my mouth, trying to stop the whimpering that wanted to escape me, and she kept on going, trying everything to convince me that this was real.

but there was no way this was real, I want this to be real, I want to be back home, I want to feel safe again even if it was for just a few mints.

I want to apologize to her, to tell her that I should have listened to her, to tell her how much the fighting lessons that I used to complain about helped me so much.

I want to tell her how much I have missed her, how I have tried so many times to tell her, to thank her for everything.

But this a dream, a dream...a..but this is...this isn't a dream, I can taste the blood in my mouth, I've actually bitten through my hand, and can feel the pine in it, you can't feel pine in dreams in dreams right?

That is the purpose of Dreams.

"this is not a dream" I said as my bloody hand fell on my lap.

"Selvea! your hand!!" falling to the ground she took my hand, examining it.

"oh what have I done?" she breathed fear showing clear in her face, "hold on" she commanded, letting go, she turned quickly going to the kitchen.

hope flooded threw me replacing the pine, I am home, this is real, this is actually real.

I'm home.

I stood up as Leen walked in with a bowl of water and a bandage " Selvea sit down, please let me bandage your hand" but I didn't care for my hand, I couldn't care less to be honest, I was home!, that is what truly mattered.

" Selvea" she put her hand on my shoulder, comforting me  " you are home!, you are safe!, now pleas let m.." I hugged her, cutting he off, " I'm home, this is real" I cried into her shoulder, shaking, clutching her, afraid to let go.

Hugging me back " yes you are, your safe"
I hope you all like it ^^
To be honest I'm not super confident in this part but I'm happy
Any thoughts?
Any critics?
I would love to hear them and improve my writing ^^
Thanks for reading^•^ please give this a star.

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