Chapter 4. Eda

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"I'll be happy if I die now" her soft voice echoed through the silent eave, her head lay on his shoulder, his hand around her waist, her hand held his.
the sun setting in the horizon, the soft autumn breeze drifting through.
Eda felt his hand tightening more around her waist.
"don't, I won't let you die in my arms"
"I said if" she smiled looking up at him, her emerald green eyes, glittering with the soft golden light of the sun, her soft smile, he would fall on his knees for that smile, and he will, soon.
He couldn't help himself but smile at the thought,
" I love ..
"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" shock ran through him as he opened his eyes to the dark dungeon walls.
Eda breathed hard as he closed his eyes, wishing that he can shut the voices around him, to have a little silence, just a moment more.. a moment more of that dream, one more whisper of her voice, "please one more" he breathed as he put his arm over his eyes, just one more minute.
"Adaline shut up!" Kais shouted
"oh, for fuck's sake" he muttered as he got up, losing all hope.
"for havens no one can get any sleep here can't they" Gale rumbled.
"apparently not" Hesta voiced through gritted teeth.
There were five of them in this dungeon each separated by a wall and bars, none of them know why they were here ,or how they got here, they speculated about it for hours, still no absolute answer.
They were held here for longer than they could count, and they were sick of it.
God of healing and happiness, goddess of love and fertility, god of the forge and fire, the goddess of the harvest, and god of strength and power.
All imprisoned here, chained with the chains of gods stripping them of all there powers, all there influences but why? Why these? What did they want with them?
Eda has been thinking trying everything to get out, thinking of whom ever got them here who would have that kind of power.
" FUCKING SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU, SHUT UP" Eda hit the bars of the cell sending an echo of metal and chains.
the growl of his voice sent silent shook through the whole place..
Eda never screamed like that... he was the god of joy, the god of hope, and his scream... it sent fear through them, if he had lost hope what did they have left?
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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