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Waking up in my old room, the wind blowing through the curtains,  this all feels so surreal, but sitting down with Leen, having long conversations with her, even training with her, it calms me down, it makes me believe that this is real, that I'm safe.

Huh I haven't felt this way in so long, safe, I like it.

Heeding into the kitchen, seeing the bowl of fruits, and not resisting the fresh oranges .

And Leen sitting in her usual seat , with a cup of tea forgotten on the table, fully In uniform as per usual, looking over some random papers, she always looked like she is in command, she lived her entire life in war, her muscles and scares told the strength that war has given her, but her eyes told the painful  story behind it.

She lived her entire life seeing people she loved die, and yet she's still standing, strong.

"good morning" she smiled, putting her papers down as I sat across from her, I smiled echoing back "morning".

Her eyes may be a little different, but they still seem to tell the same story.

Only three days after me coming back Leen told me about threats for a war that's coming, and not a civil war, another world war, and she is the general, she is going to help lead a war.

"Silvea , a friend of mine is coming to visit" I stared at her confused as I tried to remember a friend, Leen rarely talked about a friend, she talked about solders she fought with, but she rarely preferred to them as friends.

"when?" I asked trying to by more time.

"any time now" she took one look at my confused face and smiled, getting up, to get something "I work with her.  she knows about you, and she actually helped me to find you" she sat back down with something wrapped in white fabric, a dangers grin drown on her face, she put the weird bundle in front of me on the table, and my confusion only grew, " I have been meaning to give you this for a long time now, open it" her eyes grew soft.

I just kept looking at the weirdly shaped bundle then at her, "for havens Silvea open it, it's not going to bite"

Smiling I shook my head and started to pull the string that was holding it all together, red and black started to peek throw the white fabric, hear stood on my arm as I un raped it, a uniform!, she gave me a uniform.

"a uniform?" I echoed my thoughts, still looking at it in shock and disbelief.

" I want you to join my army Silvea, I want you to fight next to me" I stood up in shock as I heard her words

"what? Why? Leen how would you know if I'm ready or if I even deserve it" words started spilling out me as I couldn't control it.

And yet Leen kept on smiling "Silvea you don't have to worry, I trained you like a solder, only one day after you came back you stood next to me training, fell in step without me having to tell you anything, Silvea you are ready, I can see it in you"

"but that's not what a solder is, a solder isn't  just someone who knows how to fight" I struck back

"then tell me" she took a step closer to me " what makes a solder?"

" a  solder is someone who protects, someone who saves lives" she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder as she saw me shaking "you'll be able to save millions Silvea you just still haven't had the chance"

"I wasn't able to protect myself!" as the words escaped me, I lost my strength and fell down on the chare again, " I wasn't able to save myself"  at that moment everything fell quite, no more birds tripping, no wind blowing, only my hart bonding " how am I going to save anyone else if I couldn't save or protect myself?"

Leen's hand still on my shoulder, yeeaah this is home.

Someone broke the silence as we  heard someone come in "Leen?"

" in the kitchen Vera"

As Vera walked in, a gorges Silver-haired and striking blue eyes, in white and blue uniform, she's gorges.

" I see that I walked in on something big" she smiled at the uniform that was forgotten on the table, my gaze fell on the Floor as everything struck again, the thing that I wanted for so long is so close , but I can't bring myself to take it.

"she says that she can't be a solder, Because she couldn't protect herself" Leen announced, sounding weak.

"well that doesn't seem right" she came close standing next to Leen

"Silvea forgive me for asking, but is this because of that place?" her voice rang smooth, and sweet, comforting.

Like.. an angel?

I didn't have to speak, my eyes told everything no matter how much I tried to hide it.

" but if this is the case, tell me this who was protecting you when you were in there?"

I stood a little straighter as she spoke, she smiled.

"because from what I saw, there must have been some kind of fighting in there, and a couple of broses, and scars conformed that for me, and yet you are still standing in front of me, who was protecting you there?"

Suddenly standing taller ,Leen commanded "answer solder"

" I protected myself"

"well then, doesn't that qualify you to be a solder"

My hand went over my scars, going up and down my shoulder and arm, remembering all the fights, all the screams, every time I struck back,every time I stood up, every time I fought, I protected myself!

Looking at the uniform now, it feels like that thing belongs to ME.
Without second thought I grabbed it and headed for my room.

I will be a god dammed solder!
Thank you sooo much for everyone who has read my story, thank you.
And I'm sorry for taking so long for chapter 3.
Hope you enjoy it

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