Part 2 Found

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DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE SWATTING WHEN KOOTRA WAS STREAMING OMG I STARTED TO CRY OMG IF YOU HAVENT LOOK UP Littleton swatting or kootra (and under his channel should be all of the swatting vids) OMG IM LIKE CRYING!


Aleks' POV

"Dude, do I have to it's pitch dark" I asked, Kevin just asked me to go to the store, to get popcorn for a movie we were about to see at home. "yeah man." he replied "fine, but your coming with me!" I said "alright"


Driving in the car


While I was driving Kevin yelled "ALEKS STOP THE CAR!" I stopped the car, abruptly, and got out just as Kevin just about tripped out of the car, "YO WHAT THE FU- holy shit." I said as I saw the body of a girl on the sidewalk, lying on her stomach. Kevin turned her over, her ribs were visible, and she was covered in dirt, she looked terrible. "ALEKS WE HAVE TO GET HER IN THE FUCKING CAR!" He said as he picked her up. I started the car up and Kevin, got in the back seat with her.

Kevin's POV

As I sat in the backseat with her, while Aleks sped home I couldn't help but feel like that we just got into a big mess.


Soooo part two, yes there will be swearing, and other crap I'm not sure, haven't really thought it out much.

Alexandria (ImmortalHD GoldenBlackHawk love triangle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now